Watch the video to help you understand some of this week’s learning projects from the learning pack for this week. You don’t need to do them all in one go!
⭐️ Design and make one or a family of superworms. Use string, pasta, beads, cheerios, an old sock stuffed with paper etc. Challenge: Can you make a repeating pattern? Make the worms ‘super’ by creating capes or superhero costumes.
⭐️ Find out a bit more about worms. Then try and create a wormery following these instructions. Challenge: Which day of the week will you find the most bugs outside? Think of a way of recording this.
⭐️ The Islamic tradition of Ramadan begins this week in the 9th month of the Muslim calendar and lasts for a month. This is followed by a celebration called ‘Eid al- fitr’. During Ramadan, Muslims fast during the day. Fasting is one of the five pillars of Islam and means not eating or drinking. Eid is a time of celebration to mark the end of Ramadan. Muslims may decorate their hands with beautiful henna at this time. Can you design your own henna pattern? What else can you find out about Ramadan and Eid?
Check the learning pack for more tasks for the week.