Come on a listening walk with Miss Compton

Can you use your Charlie Monkey listening ears to hear the different sounds. What can you hear?

See if you can go on a listening walk in your garden or listen for sounds on your daily walk. Draw a picture of what you hear and upload it on your Tapestry page. Maybe you can write the initial sounds to match your pictures.

Sequencing with Miss Smart

Reception join Miss Smart to learn how to put events in order and sequence your daily routine. Don’t forget to upload your amazing learning onto Tapestry.

Let’s Dance with Oti!

It’s time to clear a litle space, get on your dancing shoes and have some fun! Why not join in the Greatest Showman Dance class with Oti. Please take some photos and add them to your Google Classroom page. We love seeing what you are getting up to :-). In the words of Tess and Claudia……Keep dancin’!

Rainbow Window Pictures

Dear Residents,

The children at Queen’s Hill School have a little social media project in mind. Could you please send in a photo of your decorated window to  by 6pm on Monday 6th April and then… watch this space!

Penny Sheppard, Head Teacher. 

Spring Drawing with Mr Cross

Join Mr Cross as he explores some of the springtime flowers outside and shows us how to draw a daffodil.