Times Tables Rock Stars

Year 5 pupils now have access to Times Tables Rock Stars to help with home learning.


To log in, open the website and select the ‘Student’ tab.

Each pupil’s username is their the initial of their first name, next to their full surname. All lowercase, no spaces. (e.g. Joe Bloggs would be: jbloggs). All passwords are currently set to: rocks

During the first sign-in, the website will prompt children to create a rock avatar, which will be how they appear to others.

All games support times tables development and are monitored by class teachers.

Reception Timetable

Use this timetable to help create routine. Children might want to wear their school uniform to get in the ‘learning zone’. In Early Years, children learn through play and experiences. Our timetable is only a guide.

Purple Mash Weekly Activities!

Remember to check your 2Dos weekly on your Purple Mash account.

If you cannot remember your login, it is stuck in the front of your reading diary.

Ask an adult to email the office if you have misplaced this!

Suggested Year 4 Timetable

This is a suggested timetable for your learning at home. All of the activities for Reading, Writing, Maths, Science, History and Art are in the learning packs that have been sent home.