This week in Reception we have enjoyed learning about Chinese New Year. This year is the year of the rat. We have made lanterns to decorate our classroom and we have each done a piece of writing on an animal of our choice from the ancient story.
Year: 2020
Making 3D Shapes
Year 2 enjoyed making 3D shapes in maths today, we looked at the faces to guess what the net would make!
Counting in Reception
This week Reception looked at counting. On Friday we used a graph to find out the classes favourite fruit. In Les Papillion Rouge the favourite was strawberry but Les Papillion Bleu chose apple and Les Papillion Vert picked bananas.
Draw it, Solve it, Prove it, Explain it
This week in Year 6 we are studying area and perimeter in maths. We have been working hard to prove our answers and explain our mathematical understanding using specific vocabulary.
Year 5 Get Cooking!
Danger-Us club had a wonderful time baking this afternoon. We all worked hard to make the KS2 corridor smell wonderful, and have taken home armfuls of treats to share!
Handa’s Surprise
After reading the story ‘Handa’s Surprise’, we tasted fruit from Kenyan and described using adjectives. We used four of our senses to help us describe. We tried banana, mango, passion fruit, oranges and kiwi!
Our Place in the World
Today we launched our new school topic ‘Our Place in the World’. Children across all the school have been finding out about the UN rights of the child, designing their own ideal city, exploring the history of famous Kings and Queens and having a go at Morris dancing!
A busy week back in Reception
This week we have enjoyed finding out about the children’s Christmas holidays. Les Papillons Verts were intrigued by this tarantula cast brought in by one of the children. They practised their art skills by looking closely and drawing what they could see. They enjoyed singing incy wincy spider and made spiders and water spouts in their busy time.
Busy First Week in Year 5
Year 5 have hit the ground running this week, throwing themselves into their new learning with fractions, decimals and percentages (in maths) and the Romans in Britain (in English). Swimming lessons have begun too, with nearly 40 of us taking the plunge today – and more lined up as soon as spaces become available. We are looking forward to our trip to Colchester Castle next week too- be sure to ask as about what we learn there!