Literacy Tasks

Join Miss Butcher for some of this week’s literacy activities:
⭐️ Can you write a food diary a little bit like the Very Hungry Caterpillar’s? You can use the CBeebies days of the week songs to help you remember the order of the days of the week.
⭐️ Make some play dough and use it to create some curly caterpillar letters.
⭐️ Can you use toys, puppets, pictures or just your imagination to think of the next thing to happen to the Big Bad Wolf and Little Red Riding Hood?
⭐️ Write and follow your own instructions to make a sandwich.
⭐️ Draw, paint or collage a picture of part of the Little Red Riding Hood story. Charlie’s challenge this week is for you to write a sentence independently using your phonics and sounds that you know.

Have fun and we are looking forward to seeing what you come up with!