Welcome to Reception


Reception at Queen’s Hill Primary School offers an engaging and nurturing environment for each child to learn and flourish.  Our goal is to instill a ‘Passion for Learning’ that will continue throughout pupils' lives by providing stimulating lessons, enquiry-based learning opportunities and a child-centred approach to help children develop their own love of learning.

We believe that each and every child has the right to achieve and in the Early Years we seek to develop this at every stage.  Our purpose built Reception classrooms and outdoor area provide a rich environment in which the children can learn through their play and children are able to access our large outdoor area on a free-flow basis every day.  A balance of adult-directed and child-initiated learning ensures that children make progress across all areas of their learning and development. We follow the phonics scheme Read, Write, Inc. which teaches children to use letter sounds to support their reading and writing. We use a maths mastery approach when teaching early number skills.

Useful Links

Read and write alphabet and letters

Number Rhymes

Phonics made easy

How we teach phonics at Queen's Hill

Home communication

At Queen’s Hill Primary School we see education as a partnership between the home and school. We use Tapestry,  an ‘online learning journal’ which enables you to see photographs, videos and written observations of the activities your child does at school. Good relationships between parents and staff are valued and there are frequent opportunities for parents to come in and share what their child has been doing.

Reception Blog Posts


EYFS Big Toddle

This year Nursery and Reception took part in the Barnardo's 'Big Toddle'. Children and their grown-ups dressed up in Safari themed costumes and took part in different jungle themed activities. We raised £185 for the charity- so well done everyone!

Anti-Bullying Curriculum Day

On Friday 17th November, children across the whole school celebrated their uniqueness by wearing odd socks. The day started with an assembly by the Happiness Heroes, who explained their role in school and upcoming projects they have planned. Back in class, everyone learnt about what bullying is and how to 'Make a Noise' about bullying to put an end to it. Badgers, Year 5, Anti-Bullying Class Poem

Workshare Success!

What an amazing turn out we had for our first Workshare of the year. Lots of proud children sharing their amazing learning with parents and carers!
Outdoor learning

Outdoor Classroom visit

We have been learning about the changes that Autumn brings in Reception and so we decided to see if we could find any evidence of Autumn arriving in Queen's Hills. The children worked in pairs and hunted for Autumn items from a checklist. All of the children did super listening and showed our 3 school rules of Ready, Safe and Respectful! Going on an Autumn hunt!

Colours of Queen’s Hill

Our amazing teaching team have been painting self-portraits after school today for our Colours of Queen's Hill art project. They'll be going on display in the main entrance next week. The Colours of Queen’s Hill is a wonderful art project for our whole-school community, where everyone will be creating their own self-portrait to celebrate individuality and diversity, inspired by the work of artist Angélica Dass.

Reception Water Fun Day

Reception had an amazing water fun day today. The children enjoyed playing lots of different water related games and they ended with a big water fight!

Reception – Gressenhall

On Thursday we went on our school trip to Gressenhall. We met Cinderella, Jack, Griselda, the Wicked Witch and the Curator. We enjoyed helping Griselda and Cinderella with their chores, searching for the magic bean with Jack, making potions with the Witch and even going on a tractor ride. At the end we found all the objects and finally fixed the magical museum. The children then wrote about their trip.

Outdoor Classroom – YR

Reception had their first visit to the outdoor classroom. They were fantastic and walked carefully down. Once there they enjoyed den building, bug hunting and making nature bracelets and necklaces.

Big Toddle 2023

What an amazing turn out we had for our Big Toddle Reception Event today! The children were all dressed up in safari outfits and joined in with a range of activities, including balance beams, obstacle courses and throwing and catching races.Thank you to all of the parents and carers for joining us and helping to raise funds for Barnardo's Charity.

We are Proud to be a ‘Good’ School

I am delighted to inform you that we have retained our ‘good’ judgement by Ofsted in our recent inspection. There has been a lot of hard work behind the scenes, and I am thrilled that the dedication of our staff and pupils has been recognised. I’m sure you will join me in congratulating everyone who works and volunteers atour school. I wanted to draw your attention to some of the excellent feedback we received: Queen’s Hill Primary is a peaceful, well-organised school, where pupils feel safe. Pupils are helped to develop academically and personally in a nurturing environment. Leaders provide a harmonious environment where diversity is valued. Expectations are high for everybody. Staff treat pupils with respect and kindness. Leaders are ambitious for pupils with SEND. Parents appreciate the work of the school staff both in regard to the care they provide and the curriculum on offer. I also wanted to personally thank everyone who completed Ofsted’s Parent View survey. This is such valuable feedback, and helps us to ensure our school continues to be the best that it can be for our pupils.Thank you once again for all the support you continue to give the school.Best wishes, Mr. Matthew CrossHeadteacher 10255203-Queens-Hill-Primary-135148-Final-PDF-1Download