At Queen’s Hill, we believe that the Art and Design curricular should stimulate creativity and fire children’s imaginations. In our school, we combine theory with practice to provide a rounded approach necessary for children to study Art and Design in depth in the future. We want to encourage our children to express themselves through art and inspire them to pursue creative career paths. Our curriculum is designed to develop children’s cultural capital and allow them to explore a variety of artists, techniques and media. We do this because British Values are very important to us and we aspire to expose children to artists from diverse backgrounds and celebrate their contributions to our cultural heritage.
We aim to provide children with a strong creative foundation in early years. Children are encouraged to be independent with their creations and take ownership for their work. We expose them to a wide range of materials and resources and encourage them to use them without limits. As the children move up to KS1 and KS2, they are given opportunities to work with different materials and techniques such as printmaking and sculpture. By the end of their primary education, we aspire for the children to be equipped with life-long skills and cherished memories of the art pieces and inventions they have created.

Subject in Action

Year 3 Sculpture
Year 3 had fun making these bowls inspired by Kandinsky. They used paper mache and thought carefully about how their designs could be inspired by him.

Brilliant Board Games
Year 6 have produced some absolutely brilliant board games this week as part of their DT project. From thinking carefully about their initial concept and theme, to considering their own game’s effectiveness during the evaluation process, they have demonstrated great creativity and reflection. We definitely think there could be some future product designers amongst them!

Year 3 construction
Year 3 have been designing, making and evaluating their own toothpaste boxes. They thought carefully about what went well and what they could do better next time.

Y5 Space Art
This half term Y5 have being studying the works of local artist Dale Devereux-Barker, who lives and works in Suffolk. Using layering techniques and working with water colours and pastels the children were able to create a ‘space’ themed mixed media collage. We are incredibly impressed with the artwork produced, which is on display ready … Read more

Investigations and Market Research!
Year 6 have had a busy start to the week! In Maths, children have put their problem solving skills to the test, working on a tricky investigation collaboratively. They have also been learning about Islamic patterns and the geometric shapes found in mosques, linking their learning to RE. In DT, children carried out Market Research … Read more

Sculpture inspired by Henry Moore
Year 6 began their art topic of sculpture by looking at Henry Moore’s ‘Reclining Figures’. They had a go at creating their own representations of reclining figures by pinching, pulling and forming pieces of clay to record their observations. The children then had to stroke the clay to obtain a smooth finish.

F1 Jaguar Club
The three teams have been working each week after school preparing for the F1 Jaguar reginal finals. The children had to design, make, assemble, test and race their cars at the reginal heats. They also had to prepare a presentation about their work. In order to gain sponsorship the children wrote to local businesses and … Read more

Y5 Art
Y5 were inspired by the artist Hundertwasser this half term and created pictures of nature in his style. Hundertwasser often depicted tress as lollipops and the children’s designs focused on this. To create our pieces we used oil pastels practicing and perfecting the following different techniques: mixing and blending, stippling and cross-hatching.