
Enjoy listening to the story of Elmer by David McKee and complete the tasks on Seesaw. Can you complete our brain stretcher?

Queens Hills’ Rainbows in Windows

Residents around Queen’s Hill have been taking part in ‘The Rainbow Trail’ and have sent in pictures of their artwork displayed in windows around the estate.

What the Ladybird Heard

What the Ladybird Heard has been our themed story for the last 2 weeks of term. Head over to the Gruffalo website to try some new What the Ladybird Heard activities.

Come on a listening walk with Miss Compton

Can you use your Charlie Monkey listening ears to hear the different sounds. What can you hear? https://youtu.be/oqFHNhYIzaw

See if you can go on a listening walk in your garden or listen for sounds on your daily walk. Draw a picture of what you hear and upload it on your Tapestry page. Maybe you can write the initial sounds to match your pictures.