This Week in Year 5

Year 5 have been developing their confidence when using short division methods this week (see image for an idea of how we’ve been doing this!), and have begun to solve multi-step problems in a variety of contexts. In our English lessons, we have been using Point, Evidence, Explanation, Link (PEEL) techniques to create persuasive arguments about apartheid. Through our topic lessons, we have begun to use a ‘one-point perspective’ style in art lessons to depict some of the iconic landmarks of Norwich. 

Year 6 Visit Norwich Aviation Centre

Year 6 had an absolutely fantastic trip to Norwich International Aviation Centre to take part in an activity on Tuesday 19th November. We took part in a number of STEM sessions including: paper plane design, robot coding, team building and designing an ejector seat for an egg! It was fabulous to see so many children shine with their creativity and enthusiasm for science and engineering tasks. Thank you so much to all of the RAF volunteers who took time out of their busy schedules to make the day happen for us. 

Jack Frost Visits Reception

In Reception we have been thinking about the weather and seasonal changes. Children went ice hunting after noticing that Jack Frost had visited! We enjoy exploring how ice changes and the children were then interested in looking at animals living in colder climates. 

This week the children have also been learning the PANTS rules from NSPCC. They enjoyed the Pantosaurus song.

Weighing in Maths

Year 2 explored weight and mass today in maths. They looked at kilograms and grams and used balance scales to help us explore heavier than, lighter than and balanced.

We Won Gold!

We’re delighted to announce that we have been awarded an Artsmark Gold Award. 

Artsmark is the creative quality standard for schools and education settings, awarded by Arts Council England. The Artsmark award provides a clear framework for teachers and education professionals to plan, develop and evaluate their arts and cultural provision.

We were commended for our level of commitment to providing a range of high quality arts and cultural experiences for pupils and our work in raising the profile of the arts across the school.

Another Busy Week in Reception

We have been learning about remembrance and attended the school remembrance service.In maths we have been learning about measuring and comparing size. We decided to use string to measure ourselves roughly and have decorated flowers to show how we have grown.In PE we had lots of fun moving in different ways. Can you guess which animals we are?

Year 1 Trip

Year 1 had a brilliant trip to the Museum of Norwich at the Bridewell today. All children got to make their own toys and explored a range of different toys from the past.