This week in year four, we have been learning to code and write algorithms using repeated instructions. Using the free Turtle Academy software, the children were able to create different patterns and shapes, exploring the effect of changing line length, angle and the number of repetitions. They were very excited to see their images appear on the screen as you can see below.
Joel Hann
Year 4 Science – Electricity
Year four are studying the science of electricity this half term. We began by looking at and comparing appliances that use mains power and batteries. This week we built simple series circuits in order to test whether different materials were conductors or insulators. By the end of term we hope to have designed, built and wired up a light up, interactive Iron Man inspired by the Ted Hughes book we have been studying in English.
Year 4 Roman Catapults
This week all three year four classes have been putting their design and technology skills through their paces building Roman catapult models. The children have been closely supervised measuring, sawing and gluing the different parts together in our final activity from what has been an extremely engaging history topic. There has also been opportunities to test out the firing capabilities of their long range-range weaponry using rubber missiles and plastic soldiers. Mr. Cross was pleased to hear there was no bloodshed!
Year 4 – Science – teeth investigation
Year four have been learning all about teeth this half term and have set up an investigation to see what affect different liquids have on tooth decay. To do this, we have supplemented eggs in the place of real teeth as the shells are made of enamel! You can see some of the photos below after 7 days and we look forward to finding out the final results in our science lessons this week.
Year 4 Roman Day
Year 4 had a fantastic Roman day with Centurion Titus. They completed a Roman soldier Boot Camp, created mosaics and practised using Roman numerals. We look forward to learning more about the Romans in our history topic for the rest of this term.
Year 4 – Jabberwocky Art
Year 4 have been completing art work in response to the poem “The Jabberwocky” by Lewis Carroll. They used charcoal, graphite, pencil and water colours. Our finished final pieces are displayed in the corridor and the classrooms.
Writing in Year 6
Year 6 have been exploring Shaun Tan’s graphic novel, ‘The Arrival’. The children have loved discussing the running themes of tolerance, respect and migration. We have had some really insightful conversations about these themes and have related them to the world we live in today.
We unpicked this famous quote by Tan:
‘Even the most anonymous character, in the strangest situation, is familiar to us if we are allowed to know his feelings, and so be invited to walk for a moment in his shoes’
We can’t wait to read the children’s informal letters this week, watch this space!