Y1 – Jack and the Bean’s Talk

Year 1 had a visit from the Garlic Theatre Company for a production of Jack and the Bean’s Talk. The children also got the opportunity to see the puppets and find out how it all works. They were incredibly inspired and we can’t wait to see how amazing their own stories are when they write them in a few weeks.

Y1 – Day of Welcome

As part of our curriculum day Year 1 have talked about what it would be like to have to move to a new school or a new place. We read the story ‘Bobble’ and discussed how Bobble felt landing in a new place . The children were incredibly empathetic and we were really impressed by all their ideas about how to make someone feel welcome when they come to our school for the first time.

Y1 – Typing on a Keyboard

Year 1 were lucky to have some Y6 ambassadors join us for our computing lesson. They showed us how to use a keyboard to type. The children then had a go at writing some sentences.

Y1 – Materials

As part of their materials topic Year 1 tested materials to find out which ones were waterproof. They came to the conclusion that plastic was waterproof. Mrs Carpenter then stood behind a big piece of plastic so we could really test it out. It’s a good job that they were right!

Interviewing Adults

As part of their topic some Year 1 children chose to interview Mr Cross and Mrs Suffield. They asked them about their current job and the jobs that they had had before.

Science in Year 1

Year one have been doing some great learning in science! Last week we investigated why giraffes have big hooves by trying to push different sized objects into the sand. We also explored designing a menu and creating pizzas for animals depending on whether they were, herbivores, omnivores or carnivores.

Today we identified and named different body parts through playing different games and drawing round someone in the class then labelling the drawing.

Y1 numbers to 20

Penguin Visit

On Wednesday Year 1 came back from lunch to find a mess in their classrooms. There were footprints, ice, water and fish. The children acted as detectives to find out what had happened. On Thursday we were able to check the CCTV and found that it had been a penguin! Now we need to try and find the penguin so we can get some more information.