Bus driver visit to Reception

As part of our learning on transport, Sarah came in to talk to the year group about her role as a bus driver. She talked to the children about all aspects of her role, from keeping her passengers safe, understanding the bus timetables and maps to the road signs that she has to follow. We discussed how to catch a bus and ask a bus to stop once you are onboard. We also talked about how using the bus can help the environment.

Sarah also kindly made each class their own bus stop and driver lanyards so that they could enjoy role playing being a bus driver – which the children have loved! Thank you for a fabulous talk and awesome resources for the children!

Martial Arts

SESMA joined reception for a martial arts session. Children learned to block, punch, guard and kick. They enjoyed the session and understood that martial arts is a discipline which they only practice during classes.

Bike and Scooter Safety

This week we have been thinking about how to use the bikes and scooters safely. We talked about the importance of always wearing a helmet to protect our head and to look where we are going. The children decided to use sand timers to help them to share the bikes and scooters so that everyone could have a turn.

Reception – Lunar New Year

In Reception this week we have been learning about Lunar New Year. We have made lanterns, decorated our classrooms and had a go at writing some numbers in sand. We also learnt the story of the race and talked about the different animals. Thank you to Asha’s mum who brought in some real envelopes and decorations to look at! The children have really enjoyed learning about a different holiday and culture.

Reception – Self Portraits

Each term the children in Reception draw a self portrait and sign it off with their name. We have been so impressed with how much they have improved since the beginning of the year in both their drawing and their writing. We also use this as an opportunity to discuss our similarities and differences. We look in the mirror as we draw, paying close attention to what we can see.

Reception – Drawing into Writing

Each term in Reception the children do a piece of ‘drawing into writing’. They draw a picture of something they have done in the holidays and then write about with the help of an adults. We have been really impressed at the children’s communication skills and also their use of their sounds to write.