Please find the latest newsletter below.
Jess Smart
RWI information for nursery parents
In nursery, we have started to learn our set 1 phonics sounds. We follow the Read Write Inc. scheme for phonics. In RWI, each sound has a picture card and a rhyme to help write the sound. Your child will be familiar with letter names from learning the alphabet song. In phonics lessons we talk about the sound and the rhyme to help us write that sound. In nursery, we will be focusing on the children pronouncing the sound correctly. The children will be given opportunities to mark make and form the sound throughout their play e.g. painting in glitter, writing with chalk, forming the sound with loose items.
Clear pronunciation of sounds is extremely important. This video will demonstrate how to say sounds clearly.
Nursery: Little Red Riding Hood
This week, we have enjoyed looking at the story of ‘Little Red Riding Hood’. We made baskets, explored red paint and looked for red objects outside. We have also started our RWI phonics and learnt how to say ‘m’ and ‘s’
Nursery: Supertato
Last week, the children in nursery enjoyed the story ‘Supertato’. We made traps for the evil pea, created our own supertato and explored printing with vegetables.
YR Outdoor Classroom
Last term Reception were excited to be able to visit the Outdoor Classroom for the first time. We walked carefully with our partner, listened to a story and then made a bird feeder. The children all behaved brilliantly and thank you so much to all the parent volunteers who made it happen.
Reception Remote Learning 04.01
Here is the home learning sheet for the week beginning the 4th of January. We understand that there have been some technical difficulties with Tapestry which is related to the demand on the website, this is not due to your individual account or the school. We apologise for any issues that this may cause. We hope access to this sheet will allow you to continue with any home learning.
YR-Learning-from-Home-4.1Colour Hunt Cafe
Welcome to our Early Years Colour Hunt Cafe!
We hope you enjoy listening to the story ‘We’re Going on a Leaf Hunt’ read by Miss Wright. You can then watch some videos for activities that you might like to try this afternoon or over the weekend.
Miss Compton is showing you a colour wheel activity. You will need: access to colourful objects.
Miss Smart is showing you a journey stick activity. You will need: access to the outdoors to find natural materials, a stick and some tape.
Miss Butcher is showing you how to thread leaves to make a leaf crown/belt/necklace. You will need: access to leaves, string and a hole punch or pencil to poke holes in leaves.
Remember to wash your hands after you have been outside and to return the natural objects back to their homes in nature when you are finished with them.
We look forward to seeing photos of your creations!
The Early Years Team 🙂