Pets From Around the World

Miss Spicker is going to show you how to do one of your learning projects:

⭐ Arabella Miller has the caterpillar as her pet. Do people in different countries have the same pets? Can you find out what other animals people keep as pets in different places around the world?

Literacy Activities

Here are some of the literacy jobs for this week:

⭐Do you have a pet? Can you write instructions on how to look after it? If you don’t you could write about a pet that you’d like to have.

⭐Can you learn the song of Arabella Miller and perform it to your family?

Home Learning WB 18th May

This week our learning activities are all based around the story Arabella Miller’s Tiny Caterpillar. We can’t wait to see which three learning activities you chose to share on Tapestry.

Fine Motor Threading

Today’s activity is one to help you get your hands nice and strong. You can use the play dough that you made on Monday, but don’t worry if you haven’t got any, there are other things you can use.

Maths with Mrs Spicker and Sweep

Join Mrs Spicker and Sweep to do some maths. You will need a teddy or puppet, some counters and a pen/pencil and some paper. You could use raisins, pieces of fruit, pieces of cereal etc. I have used chocolate hoops.

Batik Art

Join Mrs Spicker to have a go at some homemade Batik art.

Home Learning Pack

Hello Reception,
We hope you are ready for another week of fun learning activities.
Keep up the super work, we are all loving seeing the work that you are uploading online.
Keep safe,
Miss Butcher, Miss Smart and Mrs Spicker 🙂

Literacy Tasks

Join Miss Butcher for some of this week’s literacy activities:
⭐️ Can you write a food diary a little bit like the Very Hungry Caterpillar’s? You can use the CBeebies days of the week songs to help you remember the order of the days of the week.
⭐️ Make some play dough and use it to create some curly caterpillar letters.
⭐️ Can you use toys, puppets, pictures or just your imagination to think of the next thing to happen to the Big Bad Wolf and Little Red Riding Hood?
⭐️ Write and follow your own instructions to make a sandwich.
⭐️ Draw, paint or collage a picture of part of the Little Red Riding Hood story. Charlie’s challenge this week is for you to write a sentence independently using your phonics and sounds that you know.

Have fun and we are looking forward to seeing what you come up with!