EYFS Explorers Cafe

Join us for our virtual cafe. We are going to read a story and then do some fun activities! The instructions can be found on Tapestry or in your paper pack if you have received one. Don’t forget to show us the final product on Tapestry! You could always call a friend and do it together, just like you would do at school.

Maths Challenge

Here is your maths challenge this week. Can you make 2D and 3D shapes out of cocktail sticks and marshmallows? You could also use pipe cleaners or straws with blue tack or playdough.

Learning Project and Fine Motor Challenge

Can you develop your fine motor skills this week by making some delicious healthy snacks? By peeling and cutting (with supervision) fruit you’re working the small muscles in your hands and fingers. Persevere and don’t give up!!
Join Miss Butcher and see how she completed the fruit salad learning project this week.

Literacy Activities

As well as your daily phonics learning, this week we are reading the tale of ‘The Very Hungry Caterpillar’ by Eric Carle.

The literacy activities this week are:
1. Can you hear and say the initial sounds in some of the foods that the caterpillar eats. Do any of the foods start with the same letter? i.e. pear and plum. Challenge: can you you have a go at writing some of the sounds in the words.

2. Can you draw and label the life cycle of a butterfly?

3. Can you research and find out which other types of animals hatch from an egg and have a go at drawing them and labelling them?

4. Can you choose a different life cycle/animal to retell your own version of the story? I have used a baby dinosaur hatching from an egg. You could do a frog, dragon, chicken etc.

Make a Board Game

Learn how to make a board game to play with Miss Butcher. This activity really develops your maths skills. It shows that you can order numbers, write them and count accurately all whilst having fun playing a game!

Numberline Fun

Can you make a numberline like Mrs Butcher using things from your garden or in your house?

Snack Animals

Here are some yummy snail shaped snacks for you to try at home

1. See if you can use your orange peel to make a head and body for your snail

2. Use veggies and cream cheese to make a snaily snack. You will need an adult to cut the veggies for you safely and then you can put your snail together. I used peas for and Cheetos on the head. You could use peanut butter if you prefer instead of cream cheese.

3. Cut a piece of bread into thin slices and cover in chocolate spread or jam. Make one line of bread slices and roll into the shape of a snail. Use chocolate chips/ blueberries/ raisins or whatever you have to hand to make the face.

Looking forward to seeing your scrummy creations. Get creative!

Reception Learning Pack

Here is your learning for the following week, you can also find it on Tapestry. We will be uploading daily phonics videos as well as one other video per day at least on Tapestry. We would love you to show us your learning by uploading pictures and videos.