This half term Y5 have been learning about humanists and what they believe. We were able to explore humanist beliefs in the classroom and had open discussion on how these beliefs may differ from our own. We were also lucky to welcome a visitor into school from the ‘Understanding Humanism Society’. Children were able to ask questions of our visitor in order to deepen their understanding of what it means to be a humanist. They were set the task afterwards to design what they believe a Humanist building might look like. Their imaginations went wild and they created some amazing looking buildings that incorporated humanist values.

Thunderstorm bottles

In Y5 we have been identifying emotions and discussing how we can manage them. We made ‘Thunderstorm Bottles’ by filling a bottle with water and adding in a range of craft materials and paint. We can then use these whenever we feel angry or anxious about something by shaking the bottle. The swirling water and added craft items represent an angry storm, demonstrating how our anger can stir up inside of us. After a few minutes, we think of something that we like doing to help us feel calm. Finally, putting our bottles down and watch the angry storm calm down as we ourselves calm down.

Y5 Reading – Black history

As part of our Reading Masters lessons this half term Y5 texts will focus on Black history. We will read and unpick the poems: The British (serves 60 million) by Benjamin Zephaniah and Mother to Son by Langston Hughes. Windrush Child will be used as our half termly class reader as well as being part of our Reading Masters lessons. Through this heart-stopping adventure, Benjamin Zephaniah shows us what it was like to be a child of the Windrush generation. Our non-fiction selection is Black and British: an illustrated history by David Olusoga. This book takes us on a stunning visual journey through 1800 years of Black British History.

We look forward, as a year group, to explore the stories that have bought us all together in this country.

Y5 off to a smashing start!

We have had such an amazing week getting to know our new classes. Our afternoons have been jammed packed with creativity and all the children have blown us away by demonstrating just how artistic they are. They have created their very own beautiful crown sun catchers and included an image related to climate change ready for our new geography topic. They have also drawn their self portrait and then recreated it in the style of artist Frank Auerbach.


The Rotakids have been out in the local community completing a litter pick. The children were shocked with how much rubbish they found but are happy knowing that they have made a positive impact on their local community.

Y5 Panathlon

Y5 were lucky to attend an event at Taverham high School in association with Panathlon UK. It was a multi-sport event where children took part in 8 different activities scoring points for Queen’s Hill as they did so. Luckily we had glorious weather and the children thoroughly enjoyed taking part.

Y5 Eaton Vale

Y5 had an amazing time on their 2022 residential at Eaton Vale. They took part in lots of sport and adventurous activities and were able to enjoy being outside and running around. The children faced their fears head on with the heights of the trapeze and the confined space of the cave bus. Luckily the sun shone on the last two days so when it came time to jump into the river we were able to dry off in the sun. The food prepared was delicious and we even got to celebrate with a bbq on the last night.

Roundnet Taster Session

Y5 were given the opportunity yesterday to take part in Roundnet taster sessions run by Zero Bounds. The children and teachers absolutely loved the game! It was simple to play and inclusive for all but it was an incredible workout with its fast paced gameplay.

Y5 Writing

This half term in Year 5 we have been using the text ‘Who let the gods out’ to inspire our young writers. Children have taken on the role of reporters, writing their own articles about the escape of Thanatos – Daemon of Death.

We look forward to sharing these with you once completed.

Ancient Greece Launch

To launch our new history topic Y5 cooked up a storm. They made Melomakarona, Chicken Yiro wraps with Tzatziki, Ancient Greek pancakes (these did not go so well) and a Greek salad.

We came together to celebrate and share in the feast that was lovingly prepared. It was all very delicious and not even a lettuce leaf was left at the end!