Y5 Bookbugs and Dragontales

This morning some of our Year 5 children went to Bookbugs and Dragontales and had a great time doing a creative writing project. They selected lots of new books for our new Book Nook, which will be for our Year 5 and 6 children, opening next week.

Y5 Viking Day

Year 5 started Autumn 2 with an exciting Viking Day! We were extremely lucky to handle and explore some Viking artefacts and learn about the Vikings from our visitors. We finished the day by making our own Viking shields, ready for raiding and conquering other lands.

Autumn is coming!

This week we have been finding out about the changes we will see as we move into the next season. We know that Autumn is the next. We have been looking out for some of the changes that occur at this time of year and spotting the signs of Autumn. On Thursday we will be going on a walk to the outdoor classroom to try and observe some of these seasonal changes. In the classroom we have explored the Autumnal small worlds and used pine cones to help develop our fine motor skills. We have been practicing our maths and turn taking skills by playing games like snakes and ladders.

Y5 Outdoor Reading

Year 5 have settled back into school routines in our first short week in school. Mrs White and her class went out to enjoy a fresh breeze whilst they read our current book ‘Windrush Child’ by Benjamin Zephaniah.

Y4 Litter Pickers

This week in Year 4, we took to the streets of Queen’s Hill on a mission to clean it up! We have started a project this half term, learning about the changes that have happened in the local area in our Geography lessons. We have also linked this to our Science learning this half term, about the positive and negative impact that humans have on their local area.