Y4 Maths Time Games

We’re back with a bang in year 4! This week we have started a new unit of work in Maths. We are learning about time. We have started by recapping our learning from previous years including years, months and weeks. Today, we started to tell the time from a clock beginning with o’clock, quarter past, half past and quarter to. We played a game to help us embed our knowledge.

Y4 Science – Volume and Pitch

Year 4 have continued their investigations into sound and pitch this week! Today, we experimented with different balls to investigate the impact that size and shape would have on the pitch and volume created by the balls.

A visit from Norfolk Fire and Rescue Service

Today EYFS and KS1 were lucky enough to learn about fire safety from fire fighters from the North Earlham crew. They learned all about the amazing work the fire service do, and they now know some key fire safety tips! Some children got to explore the fire engine and all of it’s equipment, and even saw the hoses in use! KS2 are looking forward to their turn at learning more about fire safety when they return to our school next week. A huge thank you to Norfolk Fire and Rescue Service for giving up their time to join us today!

Religious Education

We have been learning about different symbols in RE. We have thought about what the symbol of the cross means to Christians. We made stained glass windows to help us explore this.

Y4 Science Melting and Heating

This week, Year 4 have been learning about changes of state. To understand how a solid can turn into a liquid, we melted milk, white and dark chocolate. We investigated the time if took each one to melt completely, to see if there was a difference in their melting temperatures.

Y4 Cathedral and Mosque Trip

This week, Year 4 visited Norwich Cathedral where they learnt about some important features of Christianity and the building of the Cathedral. 

We also visited the mosque on Rose Lane where they learnt about the Five Pillars of Islam. The children asked many thoughtful questions about Muslim beliefs. 

In addition to this, we spent time with Edith Cavell who told us all about her life and how she became a nurse, helping injured soldiers. We then visited her grave which is located at Norwich Cathedral.

It was a very busy but enjoyable day!

Meeting Tilly The Tortoise

Today Mrs Carpenter brought her pet tortoise called Tilly to school.

We spent time with Tilly and asked Mrs Carpenter lots of questions to find out about what it is like to have a tortoise as a pet.