Year 4 Measurement

In Week 2, Year 4 investigated measurement. In order to understand how many metres are in a kilometer, we took a walk around the estate. We recorded each time we had walked 100m and discovered 1,000m = 1 km.

We also investigated how many mls in 1 litre. We started by finding out that 10 lots of 10mls made 100ml, using a syringe. Then we found that 10 lots of 100ml made 1l.

Anglo-Saxons in Year 4

In Year 4, we kicked off the new half term with a trip! We went to West Stow, a reconstruction of an Anglo-Saxon village. We thoroughly enjoyed the day and learnt lots from experts in the field. When we returned to school, we used our experience to write a recount of the day.

Year 4 Art Day Week Beginning 02/05/22

In Year 4 this week, we have had an Art day. We have been making printing blocks from cardboard and Styrofoam. We experimented with shapes and patterns, as well as different surfaces such as paper and fabric. We finished the day by creating collographs, which we are excited to use when they’re dry. Here is some of our work.

Safety in Year 4

This week in Year 4, we have learned about safety. We learned about internet safety, road safety and fire safety. Then, this afternoon, we learned about how we stay safe when undergoing science experiments.

Book Week in Year 4

This week, we enjoyed lots of reading activities to celebrate World Book Day. We read with our Year 1 buddies, heard stories from teachers, dressed as our favourite book characters and did a book swap!

States of Matter in Year 4

This week in Year 4, we have been learning about states of matter in Science. We learned about solids, liquids and gases and undertook an experiment to learn more. We put raisins into a cup of lemonade and found that the raisins floated to the top. We discovered that the gas particles in the lemonade allowed them to do this.

We have also been learning about Aztecs and we started the week with an Aztec day. We even had a visitor (Ms Taylor) who told us about an Aztec prophecy.

Finally, we celebrated 22.02.22 on Tuesday with Times Table Twosday! We all dressed as rockstars and joined a competition on Times Table Rockstars!

Switches in Year 4

This week in Year 4, we have been learning how to include a switch in an electrical circuit. We used our circuits, with bulbs as eyes, to create Iron Men.

Thank you to all the parents that came to Les Lapin’s Show and Share assembly today.

Electricity in Year 4

This week in Year 4, we have been learning about Electricity in Science. Today, we tested objects in the classroom to discover whether they were conductors or insulators.

RE Visit

On Monday afternoon, Year 4 had a visit from Rev. Laura Montgomery. They learnt all about what charity means to Christians and some of the ways that the people in her churches are charitable. She then set the children a task to research one of 4 charities: Christian Aid, The Children’s Society, Tearfund and Compassion. In pairs, the children created their own informative posters based on the charity of their choice. What a great afternoon!’ 

Teeth Week beginning 22nd November

In Year 4, our current Science topic is looking at teeth and digestion. Last week, we learnt about the different types of teeth and their functions, before creating models using marshmallows. This week, we will be doing an experiment to see how different liquids can affect the surface of our teeth! 

We have also been busy in Design and Technology making our Roman Catapults. To do this successfully, we needed to use our Maths learning about measurement to make sure we cut out all the pieces of wood accurately. We needed to be safe when using equipment like saws. We worked with our talk partners to keep each other safe. When we were finished, we tested them out with toy soldiers!