Year 2 – PE

This half term Year 2 have been enjoying developing their throwing, aiming and agility skills in PE. This week they took part in a carousel of activities to practise what they’ve learnt. They even challenged themselves to adapt the activities to make them trickier!

Year 2 – Online Author Visit

Year 2 had an exciting morning today when they took part in an online author visit with Nathan Bryon and Dapo Adeola. The children listened to Nathan and Dapo read their new book Speak Up! and then took part in a quiz. After that, Dapo taught the children how to draw the bookworm from the story. What a great morning!

Year 2 – Fire Service Visit

Year 2 had a very exciting end to the week meeting some local fire fighters from the North Earlham crew. The children learnt all about the fire engine, listened carefully as the crew explained how they use the different equipment and asked some excellent questions. They also got to see the crew use one of their ladders and were amazed at how high it could go!

Year 2 – Languages Curriculum Day

Year 2 have enjoyed learning some British Sign Language today during our Languages Curriculum Day. They learnt how to introduce themselves and fingerspell their name. In the afternoon they shared what they had learnt with their Year 5 buddies.

Reception and Year 2 Author Experience

We had a fantastic time at Bookbugs and Dragon Tales bookshop this week, where some of our children in Reception and Year 2 got the opportunity to meet the author and illustrator of ‘Out of the Blue’ and do some fun activities. They also got to take part in a question and answer session and asked some brilliant questions. We all had a great time visiting this amazing bookshop!

Year 2 Art – Printing

Year 2 finished their textiles artwork this week by using their handmade relief blocks to print repeating patterns on to their dip dyed fabric. They used their concentration skills and created some fantastic final pieces.

Year 2 Art – Dip Dye

Year 2 have had a very exciting afternoon dip dyeing their fabric ready for printing on to next week. The children carefully attached pegs to their fabric and then chose three colours to dip into. They showed excellent concentration skills and have created some lovely patterns on their dyed fabric.

Y2 Computing

This term in Computing the children have been experimenting with digital music in Chrome Music Lab. This week they have used the Kandinsky app to make sounds by drawing different shapes and patterns. After testing out the sounds they could make, the children composed music that reminded them of space.