Year 2 Outdoor Learning

Year 2 have enjoyed some outdoor learning today. They played a game about outdoor activities that are healthy for them and the environment e.g. planting fruit and vegetables.  The children then collected natural materials to make a healthy meal.  They had catkin sweetcorn, stone potatoes and even twig asparagus!  

Year 2 Mice – Music

This term Mice class have been having Music lessons with Sistema and have been learning all about pulse, beat, melody and rhythm. They have learnt how to play different percussion instruments and have composed a Christmas song including writing the lyrics themselves!

The other two Year 2 classes are looking forward to their own music lessons in the coming terms.

Year 2 Writing

This half term Year 2 have been using the book ‘I Want My Hat Back’ to inspire their English work. They have used drama to act in the role of the bear with the missing hat and understand how the bear would have felt. They have also used their descriptive writing to try to help the bear find his hat.

After reading the book, the children were inspired to make their own hats but unfortunately a terrible crime occurred and one of the hats went missing! Year 2 conducted their own investigation, using their inference, prediction and questioning skills to identify the culprit. Luckily the children solved the crime and were able to get the missing hat back.

Finally, the children wrote crime scene reports for Mr Cross to inform him of what had happened.

Year 2 Author Experience

This afternoon Year 2 took part in a live lesson with the authors and illustrators Jon Klassen and Mac Barnett. They learnt about being an author and listened to Mac Barnett read their new book ‘The Three Billy Goats Gruff’. The children were also shown by Jon Klassen how to draw the characters from the story.

Year 2 – Chinese Dragon Vehicles

In Design and Technology this half term Year 2 have been learning about mechanisms and wheeled vehicles, they have learnt the key vocabulary axel, wheel and chassis. During this unit the children have designed, built and decorated their own moving Chinese Dragons ready for our Dragon Parade later in the term.

Year 2 – RE

Year 2 have been learning about why light is an important symbol in Judaism. We have learnt about the Maccabees, the festival of Hanukkah and about the importance of the candles on a menorah.

Year 2 – Curriculum Day

Year 2 had a fantastic Curriculum Day celebrating Black History Month. We learnt all about local hero Pablo Fanque. Feeling inspired by Pablo Fanque, we learnt how to perform some of the different acts that he had in his own circus. In the afternoon, we performed our circus for our Year 5 buddies.

Year 2 Geography – Weather Reports

In Year Two this half term we have been learning about China in geography. The children compared the weather in Beijing to the weather in Norwich and worked together in groups to create weather reports. They made sure their weather reports included information about temperature and items of clothing that people might need.