Year 2 Collaborative Art display

This week year 2 have worked together to create a display inspired by the artist Anthony Frost who works in textiles with bold painted colours. We created words from the letters associated with our year group crown which was challenge.

Can you see your letter anywhere?

Year 2 Outdoor Classroom

This week in the on site outdoor classroom, year 2 did some plant cycle yoga and went on a seed treasure hunt with Miss Geschke our forest school leader. They had a great time (as you can see) and some of them even planned to bring home their seeds to plant!

Year 2 Writing – ‘Gorilla’

In Year 2 this half term we have been writing a story based on the book ‘Gorilla’ by Anthony Browne in our writing lessons. The children have changed the characters from the story and invented their own. The children have also changed where the characters go in the story. The children have been focusing on writing in the past tense and using verbs and adverbs in their writing. Well done year two!

Year 2 – Visiting the Outdoor Classroom

Last week Year 2 enjoyed visiting the outdoor classroom, where we listened to birdsong before making our own bird feeders. We hope these will help the birds to find food during the winter. We are looking forward to going back to the outdoor classroom soon!