Year 3 Castle Trip

Year 3 had a fantastic day at Norwich Castle. They were able to consolidate and further their Ancient Egyptian knowledge. They enjoyed exploring artefacts, seeing a mummy and creating their own Egyptian jewellery.

The children were safe, ready and respectful and asked some super questions. Well done Year 3!

Year 3 and Reception Buddies

Year 3 had a great afternoon with their reception buddies on Thursday.
They were able to ask about their learning this half term and then share their own fantastic Egyptian non-chronological reports. They have worked so hard on them and it was great to celebrate success!

Year 3 Computing/Music

Year 3 have enjoyed using ‘Scratch’ as part of their computing unit.

Today, they were able to code different instruments to create their very own band.

Miss Peek enjoyed hearing and seeing lots of different performances!

Year 3 Bauble Project

Year 3 enjoyed creating their baubles this afternoon as part of the school council project.

They showed great concentration and creativity skills.

Year 3 Cathedral Trip

Year 3 enjoyed a trip to Norwich Cathedral today.

We were so proud of how ready, safe and respectful they were.

They learnt all about what advent is and journeyed through the nativity.

Year 3 Science

Year 3 enjoyed exploring friction in Science today.

They completed an experiment to see which child’s shoe had the most friction. They thought about what a fair test is and measured using newton meters.

Year 3 Science

Year 3 enjoyed beginning their new topic on forces and magnets.

They learnt about the 2 different poles and what a magnetic field was.

Year 3- All about plants!

Year 3 spent the afternoon reflecting and recapping on their science learning from this half term – all about plants!

They remembered the different parts and functions, the life cycle and even our water transportation experiment!

Year 3 Rotary Club Dictionaries

Each year, the Year 3 cohort are fortunate to be presented with dictionaries from the Rotary Club.

Today, the children were presented with theirs and had time to explore them in class with their friends.

We can’t wait to see how they will be used to support their learning both in school and at home- thank you!