Stone Age Day in Year 3!

Today, Year 3 have been learning all about their new history topic of The Stone Age. They have looked at the stone age diet, the stone age number system and created their own cave paintings.

Year 3 Outdoor Learning

Year 3 had a great time during outdoor learning using manmade and natural materials to make boats. Their learning was linked to the story ‘A Home on the River’ and they discussed our school crowns during this activity including curiosity, concentration and independence. The children agreed they need to work on their teamwork when tidying up at the end!

Year 3 and Reception Buddy Reading

Year 3 had a fantastic time on Friday reading to their buddy class in Reception. After they read their banded book, the Reception children chose a library book that they wanted to share with the Year 3s.

Curriculum Day in Year 3

For our ‘British Values’ curriculum day last Friday, Year 3 were learning about representing others, the importance of questions, voting, tolerance and respect. Here is a picture of us ‘voting’ for our favourite things.

RE in Year 3

Yesterday in RE, Year 3 were thinking about the question ‘What is morality?’.

They discussed moral dilemmas, where it difficult to decide what is the right or wrong choice, and wrote down the possible solutions to the scenarios.

Year 3 Outdoor Learning

Year 3 have been enjoying their outdoor learning sessions linked with their current geography topic ‘rivers’.

The children worked in pairs to make a model of a river. They used key vocabulary from their class learning, talking about the source, meander, gravity and river mouth.  They also talked about some of the plants and animals that live on river banks and about the problem of erosion.

Spanish Story

Listen to the story of Goldilocks and the Three Bears in Spanish. You could draw the main characters and label them in Spanish! Buena suerte!