Year 3 Art

Year 3 enjoyed decorating their papier mache bowls inspired by Yayoi Kusama today. They used polka dots and thought carefully about colour schemes.

They are excited to reveal their final designs in their show and share assembly next week!

Year 3 Science

Year 3 began their rock unit in Science today. They learnt about the different types of rock.

They enjoyed comparing and grouping rocks based on their appearance and got to use the microscopes to look very closely!

Year 3 Art

Year 3 had a brilliant time exploring Yayoi Kusama today.

They created their own art inspired by her.

Year 3 computing

This afternoon, Year 3 created their own tree diagrams as part of their computing unit.

They thought about yes/no questions and showed real grit and determination.

Year 3 non-chronological reports

Year 3 are very proud of their amazing non-chronological reports. They were able to share them with year 2 and even take a copy home.

They have worked incredibly hard, showing off all of their amazing Ancient Egyptian knowledge.

Year 3 Egyptian Trip

Year 3 went on a brilliant trip to Norwich Castle this week. They consolidated and deepened their learning on the Ancient Egyptians.

All children represented the school well and were safe, ready and respectful. The Year 3 team were very proud of everyone!

Year 4 Recorders

Year 4 are really enjoying their instrumental lessons as part of their music curriculum. This week they were able to learn the note ‘B’ and even play along to a simple song.

Miss Peek was very proud to pop in and hear Mrs Stevenson’s class progress.

Year 3 Music

Year 3 have been exploring different musical notes and vocabulary this term. They even had a go at writing their own this week.

They now know what a crotchet, minim and quaver is and are working hard on remembering the note values too.

As part of computing, year 3 were able to code and create their own bands on scratch! What a musical week!

Year 3 Computing

Year 3 have been exploring programming as part of their latest computing unit.

Today they were able to explain that programming requires a start point and recognise that a sequence of commands can have an order.

They had great fun using scratch to support!