Year 4 Recorders

Year 4 are really enjoying their instrumental lessons as part of their music curriculum. This week they were able to learn the note ‘B’ and even play along to a simple song.

Miss Peek was very proud to pop in and hear Mrs Stevenson’s class progress.

Year 3 Music

Year 3 have been exploring different musical notes and vocabulary this term. They even had a go at writing their own this week.

They now know what a crotchet, minim and quaver is and are working hard on remembering the note values too.

As part of computing, year 3 were able to code and create their own bands on scratch! What a musical week!

Year 3 Computing

Year 3 have been exploring programming as part of their latest computing unit.

Today they were able to explain that programming requires a start point and recognise that a sequence of commands can have an order.

They had great fun using scratch to support!


Year 3 had fun learning about hieroglyphics.

They wrote their own names in cartouches and cannot wait to show them in their assembly tomorrow!

Year 3 Egyptians

Year 3 explored artefacts and asked brilliant questions today!

They are having so much fun learning about Ancient Egypt!

Year 3 Egyptians

Year 3 have started their new topic ‘Ancient Egypt.’

As part of one of our key texts (Marcy and the riddle of the Sphinx), the children decided what they would need to take with them on an expedition. They created a diamond nine with their key items.

Soon we will be exploring hieroglyphics too!

Year 3 Cathedral Trip

Year 3 enjoyed learning all about advent at Norwich Cathedral this week.

They were able to hear the Christmas story as well as complete craft activities!

Thank you for having us!

Year 3 Mechanisms

Year 3 have started their latest DT project on mechanisms. Today they explored different mechanisms ahead of creating their own pop-up cards.

Making Musicians!

Some KS2 pupils went with Miss Peek and Miss Forrest to Norwich Cathedral for a music recital this afternoon.

They were able to enjoy a short concert featuring piano, french horn and violin. The children heard a range of music and were even able to ask questions.

Thank you to Norwich School for hosting.

Year 3 Computing

Year 3 finished their stop motion animation unit today. They created they own story boards, settings and characters!

They were so proud of their finished animations!