Year 3 Science Investigation

This afternoon, Year 3 did a science investigation around friction.

The children had to find out which shoe had the most friction in their group.

They ensured it was a fair test and enjoyed using the Newton meters.

Siobhain O’Higgins – Grand Piano

Children across the school were given the opportunity to join Siobhain O’Higgins playing her Grand Piano on zoom today.

Children were able to listen live to different pieces, think about how it made them feel and what they could picture in their heads and see how the piano actually works!

Rotary Club Dictionaries

Year 3 were presented with dictionaries today from the Rotary Club in their year group assembly. The children are able to take these home to support their learning.

We would like to thank the generosity of the Rotary Club. We can’t wait to see how the children use them!

The Colours Of Queen’s Hill Year 3

The whole school has been working on our self portraits this week, inspired by the work of Angelica Dass and her Humanae project. Here are are some year 3 children completing some of their work!

Rocksteady Concert

This morning, on our final day of the academic year, we welcomed lots of adults and children to our Rocksteady concert.

5 bands performed including songs from George Ezra and Taylor Swift!

What a musical morning!

Year 3 Wraps

Year 3 designed, made and evaluated their own wraps. Here is what they had to say:

“Putting all of the ingredients down the middle of the wrap was fun!”

“Cutting the ingredients into smaller pieces was fun!”

“Tasting the wrap was delicious!”

“Folding the wrap up was tricky, but we persevered and did it!”

Hedgehog Music Performance

This morning, Hedgehog class performed their ‘lean on me’ song to CNS high as part of the outreach project.

The Year 12 students then joined in with their instruments for the verses. It was great to see everyone making music together!

We look forward to seeing how our partnership can develop next academic year.

Year 3 Science

Year 3 dissected flowers today to see the different parts. They then made and labeled their own versions and explored the role of each part.

Maths in Year 3

Year 3 investigated polygons today and saw what shapes they could make from putting different ones together.

Then they moved onto marking the vertices on isometric paper!

Boom Whacker Workshop

Hedgehog class enjoyed a Boom Whacker workshop today courtesy of CNS high school.

Miss Peek will be delivering these sessions across the school during the next academic year.

They were able to play different rhythms and chords and even accompany the song ‘Lean on me.’