Year 3 Sculpture

Year 3 had fun making these bowls inspired by Kandinsky. They used paper mache and thought carefully about how their designs could be inspired by him.

Year 3 construction

Year 3 have been designing, making and evaluating their own toothpaste boxes. They thought carefully about what went well and what they could do better next time.

Year 3 Fractions

Year 3 used multilink to help show parts and wholes in different contexts. They worked hard to write the fraction down too.

Year 3 History Trip Day 2

The other half of Year 3 have had a brilliant day at Norwich Castle today!

They showed all 3 school rules, ready, safe and respectful and asked some brilliant questions.

What a great way to end our amazing Ancient Egyptian topic!

Year 3 History Trip

We had an amazing day at Norwich Castle learning and consolidating our knowledge about Ancient Egypt.

We got to look at what life was like in Egypt, explore real artefacts, look at a sarcophagus, create Egyptian jewellery and think about the question ‘should artefacts remain in the tombs or be taken out to study?’

Well done to Year 3 who showed they were safe, ready and respectful and thank you to Norwich Castle for being fantastic hosts.

Year 3 Maths

Year 3 have explored equal and unequal parts as well as parts of a whole in maths this week as part of their Unit Fraction work.

Today, we explored ‘if X is a part, what could the whole be if the whole has X equal parts?’

We enjoyed investigating, have a look at some of our work!

Year 3 History

Year 3 enjoyed recapping their learning about Ancient Egypt ahead of their trip to Norwich Castle this week.

They created their own cartouches out of clay and used hieroglyphics to decorate and write their names.