KS2 Music

A big thanks to Norwich High School for visiting KS2 music assembly today.

The children participated in a singing workshop before listening to a flute, French horn, clarinet, piano, saxophone, vocal and African percussion recital.

Everyone loved hearing the range of instruments. Thank you!

Year 3 Computing

Year 3 had a great time this week creating their own stop-motion animations.
They showed great creativity and concentration skills!

Year 3 Computing

Year 3 enjoyed creating their own flip book animations today ahead of working towards creating animations on the iPads next week.

They showed creativity skills as well as grit and determination!

Harvest Assembly Year 3

The whole school enjoyed celebrating Harvest this morning. As part of that, Year 3 performed their poem ‘The Sound Collector’ and sang ‘In the Autumn’.

What a great half term we have had!

Year 3 Science

Year 3 enjoyed learning about magnets today. We looked at the poles and grouped magnetic and non-magnetic items together.

What a fun afternoon!

Year 4 Music

Year 4 enjoyed using the boom whackers to learn different songs. They even got to perform in KS2 celebration assembly.

They were able to think about different notes and dynamics.

Year 3 Breakfast Cafe

Year 3 welcomed adults into school for their times table cafe last week.

The cafe was well attended and it was great to see so many grown ups support their children with their learning.

Year 3 Science Investigation

This afternoon, Year 3 did a science investigation around friction.

The children had to find out which shoe had the most friction in their group.

They ensured it was a fair test and enjoyed using the Newton meters.

Siobhain O’Higgins – Grand Piano

Children across the school were given the opportunity to join Siobhain O’Higgins playing her Grand Piano on zoom today.

Children were able to listen live to different pieces, think about how it made them feel and what they could picture in their heads and see how the piano actually works!

Rotary Club Dictionaries

Year 3 were presented with dictionaries today from the Rotary Club in their year group assembly. The children are able to take these home to support their learning.

We would like to thank the generosity of the Rotary Club. We can’t wait to see how the children use them!