Year 3 History

Year 3 are enjoying learning about the Ancient Egyptians.

We learnt about artefacts and tried to use our knowledge of hieroglyphics to help us look at the artefacts in detail!

Year 3 Cathedral Trip

Year 3 went to the cathedral today for an advent/nativity experience. We learnt all about Isaiah, Mary, Joseph, shepherds and the kings. The children were safe, ready and respectful and enjoyed dressing up, doing craft and seeing different items.

Year 3 Science

We sorted magnetic and non-magnetic objects today. We had fun investigating and exploring the school for objects!

Year 3 RSE

We looked at permission in RSE today. We discussed different scenarios and explored why it is important to ask for permission.

Year 3 English

We are using Anthony Browne’s Hansel and Gretel in English over the next few weeks. Today we finished reading the story and created text maps to help us recall some of the key parts. We are going to be working on writing our own fairytale based on this story.

Year 3 RSE

We looked at how our bodies change as we get older. We created these top trump cards and compared how different things change.

Investigation in Year 3

As part of the whole school maths investigation, Year 3 explored different totals that 2 and 3 spotted ladybirds could make. The children showed amazing grit and determination skills and were all very successful.

Year 3 Science

We have been learning about forces in Year 3 and completed an experiment looking at different surfaces today.