Year 3 Maths

Look at the grit and determination we needed in maths today to complete this domino game!

Year 3 Music

Today in Year 3 we performed the song we had been learning (let your spirit fly) and looked at composing skills. We recapped quavers, crotchets and minims before attempting to write them.

Y3 Painting

Year 3 looked at mixing primary colours to make secondary colours. We then added white to find different shades. We had lots of fun and made lots of mess!

Year 3 Music

We had fun in music today recapping different musical notes and rhythms. We had time to improvise with instruments from the music trolley and got to perform in front of the class!

Year 3 Maths Fun

We practised our addition with Miss Peek today. We first added to 10 and then challenged ourselves to 30. We had so much fun!

Some of us worked with other teachers to complete problem solving activities too!

Year 3 Maths- Adding 3 numbers

We had fun playing games to help us add 3 numbers today. We all started with the mild challenge and moved up a level when we felt confident.

Football Coaching

Some of the Year 3 and 4 children took part in a football session this afternoon. It was great to see their teamwork skills develop and their positive attitude towards helping and supporting each other.