Y4 Science – The Digestive System

Over the last couple of weeks, Year 4 have been learning all about the human digestive system. They have learnt the names of the different organs that support digestion and what happens to food at each stage.

Yesterday, Year 4 demonstrated the digestive system using bananas, Weetabix, scissors, tights and more..! Have a look at some of the photos below!

Reception and Y3 Buddies

This morning, children from Reception and Y3 met to share their learning. Y3 children shared their non-chronological reports on the Ancient Egyptians, while Reception children shared their learning about Iceland and New Zealand.

Year 3 then sang their song ‘Amazing Egyptians’ to their buddies, along with the actions. A great time was had by all!

Year 3 Doodling Lesson with Liz Pichon

Year 3 were privileged to take part in one of Scholastic Schools Live ‘Festive Doodling’ lesson with Liz Pichon, author of the Tom Gates books.

They enjoyed hearing about Liz’s new book ‘Tom Gates: Happy to Help’ and learnt how to doodle in her signature style!

Year 3 Maths

Last week, Year 3 started their topic of measurement in maths. They learnt how to measure in mm, cm and m by measuring lines on the playground.

Back in the classroom, the children then matched their measurements to the real size of different animals, using the books ‘Actual Size’ and ‘Prehistoric Actual Size’ by Steve Jenkins.

First Aid in Year 4

This week, to link in with our English work on Shackleton’s adventure to Antarctica, we have spent some time in the outdoor classroom learning about basic first aid. We have role played various situations, including asthma attacks, bleeding and calling for an ambulance!

The key points we learnt were:

  • To keep calm 
  • Check it’s safe to help
  • Ask what happened and what hurts
  • Say kind, comforting things
  • Take action if you can
  • Get help (an adult or call 999)

Sharing stories with buddies

Before the Easter holidays, children in Year 4 spent a number of weeks writing their own legends based on Blue Frog: The Legend of Chocolate. They designed front covers for their stories and made them into mini books.

Today, the children in Year 4 shared their stories with their Year 1 buddies!

RSHE in Year 4

This afternoon in Year 4, we have been thinking about the similarities and differences that we have with one another. As part of our lesson, we created a ‘web of similarities’ to discover all the things that connect us together. These included the types of families we have, our favourite pets and our hobbies.

We enjoyed learning something new about our friends!

Writing in Year 4

This half term we have been writing our own legends based on The Blue Frog: The Legend of Chocolate.

At the beginning of our unit of work, we started by identifying the features of legends and considering what we needed to be successful in our own writing.

We have started writing the opening paragraphs to our legends, both as a class and independently. Since then, we have been thinking carefully about the writing process and how we can be like authors, editing, improving and redrafting our work.

We look forward to sharing our finished legends with you!