Don’t forget to keep checking your Purple Mash account as we will be setting 2Dos for you to complete!
Krystle Taylor
Joe Wicks – The Body Coach
Get fit with Joe Wicks every morning at 9am.
Suggested Year 4 Timetable
This is a suggested timetable for your learning at home. All of the activities for Reading, Writing, Maths, Science, History and Art are in the learning packs that have been sent home.
Times Tables Rock Stars
Keep practising your times tables on Times Tables Rock Stars. Miss Taylor and Miss Hunter can’t wait to see how much you are all improving your rock speed!
Year 4 Spelling
Les Hiboux – You still have units to complete in your Read Write Inc purple spelling book. Complete one activity a day.
Les Lapin – Keep practising your orange words, a list can be found here:
Word of the Day
Keep learning your new Word of the Day! Click on the link below for this week’s words and find the new Shinobi word to learn each day.
Sentence Games – Sentence Play
Play these games to improve your sentence construction, grammar and punctuation.
Hit the Button- Quick fire Maths
Improve your mental maths skills by playing these games on Hit the Button. Have a go at the times tables and division fact sections You can choose if you want to select the answer or question. Try and beat your score each time.