Take a look at Year 3’s amazing artwork!
Year 6 Artwork
Year 6 have created some amazing artwork – take a look at their display!

Year 4 Outdoor Learning
Year 4 have produced some fantastic group artwork as part of their outdoor learning this week. Take a look at the pictures!
Year 4 Work
Take a look at this amazing work displayed in our Year 4 corridor!
Year 3 Artwork
Year 3 read the story ‘The Dot’ and created their own artwork inspired by this.
Year 4 Roman Shields
Look at the amazing Roman shields that we have been making in Year 4! The children love their designs.
Year 2 Outdoor Learning
Year 2 have been thoroughly enjoying their outdoor learning sessions. This week they have been creating artwork using natural resources.

Year 1 Family and Friends Curriculum Day
We had a Curriculum Day on Friday to launch our new topic ‘Family and Friends’. It was a slightly different curriculum day (as we did our learning jobs in class), but we were able to complete activities set by different teachers from across the school who had pre-filmed lessons for us to do!
Our favourite activity was the Art activity where we created our own crowns. Take a look at some of the pictures of our work examples! We are also really proud of our ribbon weaving on the fence outside our classroom too.
Set Up Safe: Internet Matters
Internet Matters have designed a simple checklist to give families peace of mind regarding their child’s safety on the internet. You may find it useful to take a look at the poster below for guidance with this.

Week One in Year One!
We have had a fantastic first week in Year One! The children have been so passionate and excited about their learning which has been fantastic to see.
In class, we started reading a new book called ‘Here We Are’ by Oliver Jeffers which the children have really enjoyed. Inspired by this, the children created their own planet stained glass windows.