Practise your spellings from your work-pack over the next week using the pyramid method as shown above. Test yourself on them regularly, particularly the ones you are struggling with, or get someone at home to. Highlight or circle the part of the spellings you are getting wrong in your tests and just work on learning those ones until you can get 10/10!
Remember Purple Mash 2Do
Hi Year 6s. Log in to Purple Mash using the details in your reading journal and you will find lots of activities to complete. Remember to click ‘hand in’ when you are finished so your teacher can comment on your work so far.
Andy Warhol Pop Art
Andy Warhol (1928-1987) is a famous artist who was part of the pop art movement. There is some more information about him in your learning packs and useful links too.
We would love for you to create your own version of his famous Campbell’s Soup print. Take a look at some work that other children have produced in this style. Think about what you could vary in your own version (e.g. colour, line or the flavour of soup).