Year 6 have been enjoying weekly steel pan music lessons. They have been getting to grips with the different notes and sounds all whilst learning about where steel pans originate from!

Year 6 have been enjoying weekly steel pan music lessons. They have been getting to grips with the different notes and sounds all whilst learning about where steel pans originate from!
This week, Year 6 have continued exploring emotive character descriptions based on the key text, ‘Rose Blanche’. They have learnt all about figurative language and its effect on the reader. Working as a class, they compiled everyone’s ideas to create a shared write based on a specific point in the text. We think they have demonstrated excellent creativity and teamwork to produce such a powerful image of Rose in the reader’s mind. See if you can identify excellent examples of similes, personification, alliteration and ambitious vocabulary in their paragraph below.
‘Her tear-filled, sorrowful, sapphire-blue eyes were like neverending waterfalls. Broken and fragile, her heart sank down into her malnourished, rumbling stomach which screamed in pain. Rose’s once golden hair was now as dark and gloomy as the forgotten forest. Slow shivers pulsed through her body as she looked over the empty clearing. Her cold, pale hand clutched a wilting blue flower; the only thing alive in this barren wasteland.’
Year 6 have started the year off with an Art project linked to history learning all about WWII. Children re-designed packaging for wartime food products whilst considering the impact of rationing and the need for items to have a much longer life than the usual fresh produce. We think the end results look excellent and have been so impressed by their creativity!
Year 6 got to grips with using a micro:bit this week – a tiny programmable device that enabled children to understand how computers work and learn to code using the language of computers. They familiarised themselves with the device itself and the programming environment before creating their own programs. They then ran their programs on the device. We were impressed by everyone’s curiosity and concentration!
Year 6 participated in some great workshops in support of their upcoming move to high school. Our visitors were very impressed by their contributions and maturity.
Year 6 have been looking at the work of Patrick Caulfield this week, who was part of the ‘Pop Art’ movement with Peter Blake and David Hockney. They began by choosing and drawing an everyday object from different viewpoints and creating a linear aspect by adding black pen to their sketch. They then enlarged their linear drawing and used paint to provide flat areas of cover. Once their paintings were dry, children made their objects ‘pop’ in Caulfield’s style by outlining them in thick black pen. We think their finished outcomes look amazing!
Year 6 had the chance to learn vital skills through the ‘Crucial Crew’ safety programme during their visit to The Space today. They had workshops from partners including: Norfolk Constabulary, Road Safety, RNLI, St Johns Ambulance and HM Coast Guard. Children found out about staying safe in a fun and interactive way so they feel confident to recognise hazards and know how to safely respond. We were very proud of how engaged children were throughout the sessions.
Year 6 had a great time at Thorpe Park for their very well-deserved end of SATS treat! The children were so excited and were fearless going on some very thrilling rides. We were so proud of how they represented the school too.
Next week our amazing Year 6 pupils take part in their end of Key Stage 2 SATs. We couldn’t be more proud of how hard they have worked in preparation. Each and every one of them has shown so much grit and determination and they have all had such wonderfully positive attitudes. The progress they have made, regardless of what happens next week, has been exceptional. A huge good luck to everyone, however, remember this is just one week in the learning journey so far and all we can ask is that they try their best. Have a lovely, restful weekend, enjoy the sunshine and we look forward to welcoming our Year 6’s to SATs Breakfast on Monday.
We think this poem sums it up perfectly!
SATs don’t measure sports,
SATs don’t measure art,
SATs don’t measure music,
Or the kindness of your heart.
SATs don’t see your beauty,
SATs don’t know your worth,
SATs don’t see the reasons,
You were put upon this Earth.
SATs don’t see your magic,
How you make others smile,
SATs don’t time how quickly,
You can run a mile.
SATs don’t hear your laughter,
Or see you’ve come this far,
SATs are just a tiny glimpse,
Of who you really are.
So sitting at your table,
With a pencil and your test,
Remember SATs aren’t who you are,
Year 6 have created some wonderful collages inspired by the work of Gustav Klimt. His work included lots of symbolism and used a wide variety of subjects including people and landscapes. Klimt’s paintings also incorporated gold leaf and were very intricate. Year 6 chose elements from a range of Klimt’s work to incorporate into their own design. They then chose different materials and textures to layer onto their collages in colours typical to his style.
We have been very impressed with children’s creativity and concentration throughout the project!