As part of our outside renovations, we have had a music wall installed in our area. Children have loved using the beaters to make and hear different sounds on the recycled materials.

As part of our outside renovations, we have had a music wall installed in our area. Children have loved using the beaters to make and hear different sounds on the recycled materials.
Reception were very excited to have the police come and visit us at school today. The children have been learning about ‘People who help us’ and asked them lots of questions about what their day to day job looks like. The children got to try on some uniform, sit in the police car, listen to the siren and even got a police themed sticker!
Last week we welcomed sheep to Reception and Queen’s Hill! The children helped to look after them, made sure they have enough hay and water and helped to feed the ewe. As the sheep became more comfortable in the field, some children even got to stroke the lambs. Alongside learning about the sheep and farming, they have also been learning ‘Mary had a little lamb’ and made a personalised song using their name and pet or animal.
Everyone at school was very sad to see Baarbara, Baarbie and Baarnaby leave us!
Last week we had Marijka from John Plummers dental surgery visit our Reception and Year 1 children. She taught us about the different tools they use at the dentist, why we visit the dentist and how to look after our teeth. We learnt about making healthy choices for our teeth and about brushing them twice daily for 2 minutes.
Children enjoyed playing a target game outside, throwing hoops over cones to score points. They kept score using our ten frames and the first one to ten was the winner. Children did a brilliant job of noticing how many they had scored and how many they needed to get to ten!