In Art Year 2 have been exploring architecture. They looked at famous buildings around the world before designing and making their own buildings out of cardboard. At the end of the unit, an architect came into school to tell them about what it was like to do the job in real life and even showed them some examples of plans and architectural drawings.
Year 5 has been tasting ingredients in preparation for their cookery sessions this half term. They’ll be making delicious Greek salads! The staff were really impressed by the children’s willingness to try new things, and feta cheese and olives were a real hit! We can’t wait to share our creations.
This week we have been learning about the Desert and the celebration of Valentine’s day. We learnt about what animals live in the desert and why it is so difficult to live there. We also learnt about how people celebrate Valentine’s day and we made cards for our loved ones.
This week in Art, Year 6 created brilliant Mayan prints. Inspired by the geometric shapes and repeating patterns used by the Maya people, children first made cardboard tiles and glued on their designs using string. They then painted the string on the tile and pressed down onto their piece of paper using a variety of colours. We were impressed by their creativity and concentration during this process!
Year 4 finished the term by designing and building Iron Man faces with electronic glow in the dark eyes. They had to wire up the LED bulbs with batteries and switches using all of their knowledge about electrical circuits taught this term. We were very impressed with the final outcomes.
We have spent a number of weeks building up to our final Iron Man illustrations. The children have enjoyed studying the work of other artists, practised new water colour techniques and experimented with using a range of different drawing media. Our final pieces are now complete and ready to be displayed in the classrooms and on the year 4 corridor display.
This year the school council decided to run the Christmas bauble project again. The plastic baubles were very kindly bought by the Friends and each year group chose their own designs and have been busy over the last few weeks creating them.
In Reception they decorated wooden baubles with paint, glitter and sequins.
In Year 1 they used tissue paper to collage the inside of their baubles.
In Year 2 the children measured their height and filled their bauble with ribbon that is the same height as them in 2024.
In Year 3 they filled their baubles with cotton wool ‘snow’ and decorated the outside with Christmas patterns.
In Year 4 the children decorated their baubles with glitter.
In Year 5 they used tissue paper to create bright and colourful baubles that have been hanging on their class Christmas trees.
In Year 6 they chose glitter for the insides and drew Christmas patterns and messages on the outside.
We think they all look amazing! A great big thank you to the School Council for organising this for everyone and an even bigger thank you to the Friends for supplying us with the baubles.
We have had such an amazing first term in Year 5! We have been busy designing, making and evaluating our cam toys, learning how to play jingle bells in music, exploring forces and writing fantastic missing chapters for our class text: Viking Boy. We are now experts on all things Viking and fractions are now our friends!
The Year 5 team wishes everyone a very happy and restful winter break.