Shakespeare Day!

To kick-start their new English unit: Romeo & Juliet, Year 6 enjoyed participating in a variety of Shakespeare-related activities! Children took part in a scavenger hunt, collecting the answers to questions about the famous playwright and his works. They had to match symbols on their sheet to answers hidden away all around the playground. They discovered Shakespearean language and had to decide if phrases given to them were Shakespeare or ‘Fakespeare’. They explored the ancient grudge between the two feuding families in Romeo & Juliet: The Montagues and The Capulets and learnt about their household crests. Children were then tasked with creating their own crest, focusing on the significance of its design, colour and symbols. It was great to see how enthusiastic everyone was about our new topic and we look forward to seeing how they get on with their writing over the coming weeks.

Y5 D&T

This week in DT, we have been investigating different cam mechanisms in preparation for our cam toy project. We needed to show real grit and determination and great teamwork skills to discover which cams would be the most effective. We are really looking forward to the design and make activities over the next few weeks.

Remembrance Art

Year 6 have produced some beautiful ‘Pointillism’ poppies this week in response to Remembrance. After carefully sketching their poppy outline, children used cotton buds to create the dotted effect. Many people choose to wear a poppy in November for Remembrance Day to show respect for the people who died fighting in the First World War and the conflicts that followed it. But there are other coloured poppies too – purple, black and white – that have different meanings.

The red poppy is the most famous symbol used to commemorate those who sacrificed their lives in World War One and conflicts that followed. They say that the red poppy represents remembrance and hope. The purple poppy is often worn to remember animals that have been victims of war. The BlackPoppyRose commemorates the contributions of black, African and Caribbean communities to the war effort – as servicemen and servicewomen, and as civilians. The white poppy is handed out by a charity called Peace Pledge Union, which promotes peace.

We think Year 6 have shown excellent creativity!

Y1 – Sketchbooks

This week Year 1 drew in their sketchbooks for the first time. They were encouraged to put themselves on the page. Children used pens, pencils and crayons to draw things that matter to them and decorate it in a way that made it completely theirs. Each one was completely unique and we think it’ll be a great memory for them to look back on, we were so impressed by their creativity.

Year 1 Spiral Art

In Year 1, we have been learning about spiral art. We were inspired by spirals in nature and created our own spiral art! We then hosted an art gallery where we displayed our work and discussed each other’s final piece.

Year 4 – Jabberwocky Art

Year 4 have been completing art work in response to the poem “The Jabberwocky” by Lewis Carroll. They used charcoal, graphite, pencil and water colours. Our finished final pieces are displayed in the corridor and the classrooms.

Year 6 Art

Year 6 have started the year off with an Art project linked to history learning all about WWII. Children re-designed packaging for wartime food products whilst considering the impact of rationing and the need for items to have a much longer life than the usual fresh produce. We think the end results look excellent and have been so impressed by their creativity!

Year 2 Art

Year 2 have started their first art project of the year and have been exploring art in nature. After learning about artists who use the landscape and natural materials in their work, the children collected natural objects and then used them to create patterns and pictures.

Year 3 Art

Year 3 explored Heather Hansen’s gestural art today.

They listened to different pieces of music and thought about how it made them feel. They used charcoal to create art and patterns inspired by her.

Year 3 Jam Tarts!

Year 3 had a great afternoon sampling and tasting different jam tarts.

They thought about the packaging, pastry and filling before giving it an overall rating.

Next week, they are going to design and bake their very own!