Y5 Art

We created artwork inspired by Chris Ofili’s ‘Paradise by Night’ painting. We used popcorn kernels, rice, split peas and different painting techniques to incorporate texture into our work.

Year 4 Roman Catapults

Last week, year 4 made Roman catapults. We worked hard in our talk partner pairs and learned lots of new skills including using a junior hacksaw and hot glue guns safely. When they were complete we tried them out!

Year 1 Anti-Bullying Day

It was Anti-Bullying Day in school. In year 1 we read a story called Mixed by Aree Chung. It inspired us to create our own art around the story. We drew our own cities and used finger paint to create the people. The children loved mixing the paint to create as many different colours as they could for their towns. They then turned these finger prints into people.

We also had a circle time about what makes a good friend. We shared our own ideas with each other about the things we can do to be a good friend.

Y5 – Anti Bullying Curriculum Day

We had a wonderful day working together in our year group and also meeting up with our Y2 ‘Buddy Classes’. As a year group we looked at what the word ‘bullying’ means and acted through scenarios so that we could better understand how bullying can effect our mental-wellbeing.

We read the story ‘Emmanuel’s Dream,’ which is a true story about the boy Emmanuel Ofosu Yeboah. The children wrote a letter to Emmanuel explaining how he has inspired them and what they will do to make others with physical disabilities feel accepted. 

In the afternoon, we met up with our buddy classes and made our very own sock puppets. The children were incredibly creative and loved adding on the sequin and glitter details.

Year 2 – Chinese Dragon Vehicles

In Design and Technology this half term Year 2 have been learning about mechanisms and wheeled vehicles, they have learnt the key vocabulary axel, wheel and chassis. During this unit the children have designed, built and decorated their own moving Chinese Dragons ready for our Dragon Parade later in the term.

Remembrance Day Poppies

Art club have created poppies in preparation for our Remembrance assembly tomorrow. The children have used the cross-stitch skills they have been learning. They’re looking wornderful!

Cross-Stitch in Art Club

Miss Taylor, Miss Earl and Miss Osbourne have been busy in their after-school art club, teaching the children cross-stitch skills. They all designed their own templates, before choosing coloured thread to create their own pictures and patterns. We think they look amazing!

Autumn fun

In year 1, we have been looking at seasons. We have been exploring the creatures and changes that we find in Autumn. During our activity times, children have been making crafts using different resources and skills.

Y5 Curriculum Day

Y5 had a great day celebrating Black History Month. We learnt about the Windrush Generation and what it was like for people at this time, who travelled over to the UK. We read our class reader ‘Windrush Child’ by Benjamin Zephaniah, which the children have been enjoying already this half term. We researched and learnt about the Caribbean carnival, Notting Hill. We got to design and make our own carnival masks and we were lucky enough to go and model these for our Year 2 buddies class, Les Grenouilles. If that wasn’t enough we were lucky to take part in an African Dance workshop and watch them perform at the end of the day.