English in Year 6

Year 6 have had a brilliant start to their reading and writing unit on Goodnight Mister Tom by Michelle Magorian. It tells the story of a young boy, William Beech, who is evacuated to the countryside to the care of an elderly recluse, Mister Tom, in the wake of WW2.

In Reading Masters, children have started to develop their retrieval and inference skills through answering a range of question types as well as understanding new and complex vocabulary. We discussed the word ‘colloquial’ in relation to the portrayal of accents throughout the book.

Exploring character thoughts and emotions through drama and role play, children have embraced the text fully and made excellent links to our History unit too. Children will be writing diary entries from the perspective of the central character over the coming weeks – we look forward to seeing the work they produce!

Y5 Reading – Black history

As part of our Reading Masters lessons this half term Y5 texts will focus on Black history. We will read and unpick the poems: The British (serves 60 million) by Benjamin Zephaniah and Mother to Son by Langston Hughes. Windrush Child will be used as our half termly class reader as well as being part of our Reading Masters lessons. Through this heart-stopping adventure, Benjamin Zephaniah shows us what it was like to be a child of the Windrush generation. Our non-fiction selection is Black and British: an illustrated history by David Olusoga. This book takes us on a stunning visual journey through 1800 years of Black British History.

We look forward, as a year group, to explore the stories that have bought us all together in this country.

Imagine A Story Writing Project!

Congratulations to the Year 5 and 6 writers who are now officially published authors! A group of our UKS2 children participated in a project in collaboration with The Southbank Centre, in London, to write a chapter of a novel called ‘Mayhem At The Museum!’ alongside author Alexandra Sheppard, illustrator Allen Fatimaharan and children from other schools in the county. The story included interesting characters including those from Greek Mythology! Today their achievements were celebrated at the Norwich regional performance at St Andrews Hall. Children all received a copy of the finished book and quickly found their names in the list of contributors! As well as this, they were able to ask both Alex and Allen questions and had an illustrating masterclass! We even have a school signed copy which will take pride of place in our main entrance area. A huge well done to all for your efforts – lots of grit and determination was shown throughout the writing process!

Year 1 Writing

Year 1 has got off to a great start for Summer term with their writing. We have been looking at attractions in Norfolk and the features of posters. Children then created their own posters based on some of Norfolk’s attractions.

Sharing stories with buddies

Before the Easter holidays, children in Year 4 spent a number of weeks writing their own legends based on Blue Frog: The Legend of Chocolate. They designed front covers for their stories and made them into mini books.

Today, the children in Year 4 shared their stories with their Year 1 buddies!

Year 1 Writing

We have been learning about the layout and structure of leaflets. To tie into our topic of pets, we have written a leaflet to inform the public how to look after their pets. We have used commas, question marks, and the children are beginning to use adjectives. Well done Year 1. 

Year 3 and Reception Buddy Reading

Year 3 had a fantastic time on Friday reading to their buddy class in Reception. After they read their banded book, the Reception children chose a library book that they wanted to share with the Year 3s.

Writing in Year 4

This half term we have been writing our own legends based on The Blue Frog: The Legend of Chocolate.

At the beginning of our unit of work, we started by identifying the features of legends and considering what we needed to be successful in our own writing.

We have started writing the opening paragraphs to our legends, both as a class and independently. Since then, we have been thinking carefully about the writing process and how we can be like authors, editing, improving and redrafting our work.

We look forward to sharing our finished legends with you!

Writing in Year 6

Year 6 have been exploring Shaun Tan’s graphic novel, ‘The Arrival’. The children have loved discussing the running themes of tolerance, respect and migration. We have had some really insightful conversations about these themes and have related them to the world we live in today.

We unpicked this famous quote by Tan:

‘Even the most anonymous character, in the strangest situation, is familiar to us if we are allowed to know his feelings, and so be invited to walk for a moment in his shoes’

We can’t wait to read the children’s informal letters this week, watch this space!

Year 2 Writing – ‘Gorilla’

In Year 2 this half term we have been writing a story based on the book ‘Gorilla’ by Anthony Browne in our writing lessons. The children have changed the characters from the story and invented their own. The children have also changed where the characters go in the story. The children have been focusing on writing in the past tense and using verbs and adverbs in their writing. Well done year two!