The Ancient Maya: research in Year 6

Year 6 demonstrated excellent teamwork this week when carrying out group research all about the lifestyle of the ancient Maya civilisation. Children were tasked with finding out information about different areas including: homes, farming, food and clothes. In their groups, they then had to present their posters and findings to the rest of the class which everyone did with great confidence and clarity!


Our topic in Reception is ‘All Around the World’ and each week we will be learning about a different geographical feature. This week learnt about volcanoes. The children took part in an experiment where they mixed together washing up liquid, vinegar and bicarbonate of soda to make a chemical reaction to look like an erupting volcano. We learnt about where some volcanoes are in the world and we made some art inspired by

Year 2 History

This week Year 2 started their History of Flight unit with a trip on Queen’s Hill Airline. They made sure they had their passport and boarding pass ready to go through security and on to the plane. After the safe briefing, they took off and enjoyed excellent service from their cabin crew, in flight entertainment and even some refreshments!

Year 4 Roman Catapults

This week all three year four classes have been putting their design and technology skills through their paces building Roman catapult models. The children have been closely supervised measuring, sawing and gluing the different parts together in our final activity from what has been an extremely engaging history topic. There has also been opportunities to test out the firing capabilities of their long range-range weaponry using rubber missiles and plastic soldiers. Mr. Cross was pleased to hear there was no bloodshed!

Year 6 Time & Tide Museum Trip

This week, Year 6 came dressed in WWII themed outfits for their trip to the Time and Tide museum in Great Yarmouth. Their outfits were excellent! They travelled back in time to 1941 when Great Yarmouth was in the thick of the action as a ‘front line town’. They Discovered how the war affected people on the home front and met an ARP warden, a housewife, a shopkeeper and a Home Guard soldier. We were so impressed by their curiosity!

Viking Day Y5

On Monday, we enjoyed our Viking Day. Our visitors from Jormungand Reenactment gave us lots of information about the Vikings which will be useful for our topic throughout the term. We got to ask lots of questions and handle some Viking artefacts which was great fun.

We also explored Viking shields, practised drawing snakes and serpents and created our own shields incorporating our snakes into our designs.

We can’t wait to learn more!

Year 2 Geography

Year 2 have started their first Geography unit where they will be comparing Norwich to Shanghai by looking at local Norwich landmarks and constructing models of them. Each class worked on a different landmark and produced replicas of Norwich Castle, the Cathedral and Carrow Road.

Year 4 Roman Day

Year 4 had a fantastic Roman day with Centurion Titus. They completed a Roman soldier Boot Camp, created mosaics and practised using Roman numerals. We look forward to learning more about the Romans in our history topic for the rest of this term.

Year 3 Research

Year 3 have been exploring Greta Thunberg. They are looking at sustainability and the book ‘Greta and the Giants’.

Today, they showed great independence when researching their own facts about her in order to create a biography next week.