Year 6 Art

Year 6 have started the year off with an Art project linked to history learning all about WWII. Children re-designed packaging for wartime food products whilst considering the impact of rationing and the need for items to have a much longer life than the usual fresh produce. We think the end results look excellent and have been so impressed by their creativity!

Y4 Geography

As part of our continuing geography topic looking at our local area, Year 4 went on a walking tour of Queen’s Hill this afternoon to assess whether the quality of the environment improved the closer they got to the woodland area. They rated 8 different streets on their appearance, safety, cleanliness and proximity to amenities.

Year 3 Geography Visitor

Year 3 had a visitor to launch their sustainability unit this afternoon.

They enjoyed finding out what sustainability was, looking at different examples of how we can be more sustainable and they even thought about changes they can make in their own life!

Year 4 Litter Pick

Year 4 considered both the positive and the negative impact that humans can have on the environment. We discussed the different types of litter and how some litter will decompose compared to other litter which will not. We then conducted a litter pick in our local area to see what type of litter was most commonly dropped.

We found that cigarettes were the most common type of litter however there were lots of plastic packets and plastic pieces also found. The least common was organic, compostable litter. We have set up an experiment, using the litter we found, to see how the three types of litter will break down (decompose) over time.

Year 2 History

Year 2 have been learning how to be historians during their History lessons. They have been using picture sources as evidence and matching them to statements about life on board the Titanic. They have also been evaluating the reasons why the Titanic sunk and ranking them from most important to least important. They did a fantastic job explaining their ideas to their talk partners.

Year 2 History

Year 2 have started their History topic all about the Titanic. First they used their inference skills to examine a piece of evidence. Then they created a ‘Talking Timeline’ showing the key events during the Titanic’s journey in chronological order.

Y5 Geography visitor

This week Mr Marsh and Dr Richardson came to talk to us about flood defences as part of our geography topic. We have been learning about rivers and this was the perfect end to our topic. We got to experiment with different types of flood defences and even got to build some of our own. A huge thank you to them for giving up their time to share their important work with us.

Year 3 Egyptian Trip

Year 3 went on a brilliant trip to Norwich Castle this week. They consolidated and deepened their learning on the Ancient Egyptians.

All children represented the school well and were safe, ready and respectful. The Year 3 team were very proud of everyone!


Year 3 had fun learning about hieroglyphics.

They wrote their own names in cartouches and cannot wait to show them in their assembly tomorrow!

Year 2 – Flight

Year 2 have kick started their ‘History of Flight’ unit with a whole day of flight related activities. The children made hot air balloons, had a paper areophane competition and even took a trip on Queen’s Hill Airlines! They will be learning all about aviation in History and English lessons this half term.