Y5 Maths Investigations

This week, year 5 have taken part in not one but two maths investigations. On Monday we joined the school maths investigation day and worked using trial and error to find a solution to a problem involving money. On Tuesday, Squirrels were joined by visitors from Isaac Newton who guided them through another investigation.

1, 10, 100 more and less

Year 3 have worked super hard on partitioning this week and have explored 1, 10, 100 more and less today.

They were able to use base 10, place value counters and arrow cards to support them.

We are so proud of their grit and determination.

Year 3 Maths

Year 3 have enjoyed using different manipulatives to partition numbers to 1000.

They showed great concentration and independence.

Year 3 Maths

Year 3 explored adding 3 addends today.
They showed great independence using different resources and have been working hard at their presentation too.

Year 2 Maths

Today Year 2 have been applying the multiplication and division skills they have been practising in lessons and became tiny teachers! They worked together in pairs to mark a Maths quiz Miss Hunter had completed and fixed any mistakes they found.

Y1 numbers to 20

Year 3 Breakfast Cafe

Year 3 welcomed adults into school for their times table cafe last week.

The cafe was well attended and it was great to see so many grown ups support their children with their learning.

Autumn is coming!

This week we have been finding out about the changes we will see as we move into the next season. We know that Autumn is the next. We have been looking out for some of the changes that occur at this time of year and spotting the signs of Autumn. On Thursday we will be going on a walk to the outdoor classroom to try and observe some of these seasonal changes. In the classroom we have explored the Autumnal small worlds and used pine cones to help develop our fine motor skills. We have been practicing our maths and turn taking skills by playing games like snakes and ladders.