Year 6 made purple poppies to remember the animals that have helped in war. We were really impressed with the concentration and grit and determination shown by all the children!

Year 6 made purple poppies to remember the animals that have helped in war. We were really impressed with the concentration and grit and determination shown by all the children!
Year 3 had fun problem solving today. We applied all of the skills we had learnt so far this week.
Year 2 have been enjoying their weekly visits to the outdoor classroom. Today they sang a song about conkers and made conker characters.
The year 1 children went to the on site outdoor classroom to see what seasonal changes they could find. Children noticed that some trees had no leaves and we found some brown, crunchy leaves on the ground. They then drew and wrote about their observations.
Year 6 had great fun in their outdoor learning lesson testing out paper helicopter seed models!
This week in the on site outdoor classroom, year 2 did some plant cycle yoga and went on a seed treasure hunt with Miss Geschke our forest school leader. They had a great time (as you can see) and some of them even planned to bring home their seeds to plant!
Year 3 had a great time during outdoor learning using manmade and natural materials to make boats. Their learning was linked to the story ‘A Home on the River’ and they discussed our school crowns during this activity including curiosity, concentration and independence. The children agreed they need to work on their teamwork when tidying up at the end!
Today in Les Hiboux, the children used homemade percussion instruments to perform a rap in our school garden.