Year 2 – Fire Service Visit

Year 2 had a very exciting end to the week meeting some local fire fighters from the North Earlham crew. The children learnt all about the fire engine, listened carefully as the crew explained how they use the different equipment and asked some excellent questions. They also got to see the crew use one of their ladders and were amazed at how high it could go!

Y5 Earth and Space

Y5 have started their new Science topic. We have been learning about the planets in our solar system and how theories around the shape of the Earth and the way in which it orbits has changed over time. Excitingly, we also created our very own representation of our solar system using different sized balls and toilet roll! Each piece of toilet roll represented 16,000,000 km. To represent the distance for Neptune from the sun we had to count out 280 pieces and as you can see we ran out of space in the classroom.

Y5 child speaking about Aristotle and his findings
Y5 child speaking about Heliocentric and Geocentric model

Year 3 Fractions

Year 3 used multilink to help show parts and wholes in different contexts. They worked hard to write the fraction down too.

A visit from Norfolk Fire and Rescue Service

Today EYFS and KS1 were lucky enough to learn about fire safety from fire fighters from the North Earlham crew. They learned all about the amazing work the fire service do, and they now know some key fire safety tips! Some children got to explore the fire engine and all of it’s equipment, and even saw the hoses in use! KS2 are looking forward to their turn at learning more about fire safety when they return to our school next week. A huge thank you to Norfolk Fire and Rescue Service for giving up their time to join us today!

Netball Tournament

A huge well done to our Year 6 netball team who took part in a tournament today for the very first time. The girls showed fantastic grit and determination, winning 1 game and drawing the other 4 – what an achievement! Other coaches took the time to comment on how brilliant their passing, teamwork and communication was – we are very proud!

Sculpture inspired by Henry Moore

Year 6 began their art topic of sculpture by looking at Henry Moore’s ‘Reclining Figures’. They had a go at creating their own representations of reclining figures by pinching, pulling and forming pieces of clay to record their observations. The children then had to stroke the clay to obtain a smooth finish. 

Y5 Who Let the Gods Out

As part of our Ancient Greek topic Y5 have been reading the book ‘Who Let the Gods Out’ by Maz Evans. As a focus in English we have written a newspaper report, the Daily Argus, about the escape of Prisoner Forty-Two from underneath Stonehenge. The children have really enjoyed interviewing some of the characters and quoting these in their reports. Unsurprisingly, the character Mrs Porshly-Plum was a year group favourite.

Year 3 History Trip Day 2

The other half of Year 3 have had a brilliant day at Norwich Castle today!

They showed all 3 school rules, ready, safe and respectful and asked some brilliant questions.

What a great way to end our amazing Ancient Egyptian topic!