F1 Jaguar Club

The three teams have been working each week after school preparing for the F1 Jaguar reginal finals. The children had to design, make, assemble, test and race their cars at the reginal heats. They also had to prepare a presentation about their work. In order to gain sponsorship the children wrote to local businesses and were then able to buy their own merchandise with their very own logo’s on.

All three teams did exceptionally well. Winning awards across all categories. Two of our teams were extremely successful and are heading to the National championships in Leeds!

Y5 #WeWill Sing

#WeWill Sing was a unique choral opportunity where Y5 worked with other primaries and Ormiston Academy through music, performance, and youth social action. The project involved working together to produce a community choral event, whilst raising money for local charities, which took place in December.

We are so proud of all the children who took part. As part of their dedication to the project they all received a Gold Award and a Murray Award for doing over 25hours of youth social action.

Year 3 History Trip

We had an amazing day at Norwich Castle learning and consolidating our knowledge about Ancient Egypt.

We got to look at what life was like in Egypt, explore real artefacts, look at a sarcophagus, create Egyptian jewellery and think about the question ‘should artefacts remain in the tombs or be taken out to study?’

Well done to Year 3 who showed they were safe, ready and respectful and thank you to Norwich Castle for being fantastic hosts.

Year 3 Maths

Year 3 have explored equal and unequal parts as well as parts of a whole in maths this week as part of their Unit Fraction work.

Today, we explored ‘if X is a part, what could the whole be if the whole has X equal parts?’

We enjoyed investigating, have a look at some of our work!

Year 3 History

Year 3 enjoyed recapping their learning about Ancient Egypt ahead of their trip to Norwich Castle this week.

They created their own cartouches out of clay and used hieroglyphics to decorate and write their names.

Religious Education

We have been learning about different symbols in RE. We have thought about what the symbol of the cross means to Christians. We made stained glass windows to help us explore this.

Y4 Science Melting and Heating

This week, Year 4 have been learning about changes of state. To understand how a solid can turn into a liquid, we melted milk, white and dark chocolate. We investigated the time if took each one to melt completely, to see if there was a difference in their melting temperatures.

Y5 Languages

To celebrate Languages Day Y5 explored the Greek alphabet. We learnt that we use lots of Greek words in English today. Some say there are over 150,000 English words that come from Greek words! Once we learnt the Greek alphabet we used it to have fun cracking linguistic codes. When we joined up with our Y2 buddies we taught them how to write their name using the Greek alphabet and then used what we had learnt to play hangman.