Y5 Scaling

This week in maths Y5 continue to build on their knowledge of ‘scaling’. At the end of the week children got to move around the classroom, visiting four different stations. At each station children had to demonstrate using scaling language comparing mass, time, volume and length.

They did amazingly well and they have now applied that knowledge to multiplying by fractions!

Y5 Maths

We started the half term exploring how to work out area. Initially, we looked at the best way to measure surfaces using different shapes and made estimations using our finger tips. We moved onto counting squares and worked out the area of our names by drawing them on squared paper. Then we made a 1m x 1m stencil and went out onto the playground with chalk and created our own compound shapes – though the weather was not kind to us that day!

Once children were confident working out area counting squares we introduced the calculation length x width. Children were then able to work out the area of rectangles and compound shapes using this calculation. Finally, working in groups they used their knowledge of area to reason and problem solve.

Y5 English

This half term we have been reading the story ‘The Explorer’ by Katherine Rundell. It has been an inspiring book to our young writers and they have produced some amazing work.

They were disgusted to hear about the deforestation of the Amazon rainforest so wrote persuasive letters to the Brazilian Ambassador to encourage him to stop the clearing of the rainforest. We got so immersed in the story that the children wrote a descriptive setting piece about their own journey through the Amazon, concentrating on using their five senses. Finally, we ended the term on writing diamante poems about some of the animals we met in the story so far.

Reception and Y3 Buddies

This morning, children from Reception and Y3 met to share their learning. Y3 children shared their non-chronological reports on the Ancient Egyptians, while Reception children shared their learning about Iceland and New Zealand.

Year 3 then sang their song ‘Amazing Egyptians’ to their buddies, along with the actions. A great time was had by all!

Y4 Published Writers

Back in the Autumn term, year 4 wrote some kennings poems, which we entered into a competition. Our kennings were about Roman Gladiators. Today, the published books arrived with our poems inside!

Year 4 Iron Men

To finish our ‘Electrify’ topic this half term, we made ‘Iron Men’ with flashing LED lights for eyes. The children used their knowledge about complete circuits to make the eyes. Some even included a home made switch in their circuit so they could make the eyes flash.

Y6 Dodgeball Competition

Today, we entered a Y6 dodgeball tournament at the UEA sportspark. The children played four rounds of games in a group format and after winning the group and the semi final the children were through to the final. They were victorious after winning the sudden death round to win the competition. They showed amazing team work, concentration, grit and determination throughout.