Remembrance Day Poppies

Art club have created poppies in preparation for our Remembrance assembly tomorrow. The children have used the cross-stitch skills they have been learning. They’re looking wornderful!

Year 5 – Author Visit

On Wednesday, some children in Year 5 enjoyed a visit to the bookshop ‘Bookbugs and Dragon Tales’ for an author visit. We learnt about the process of making a book from the first draft through to the final published copy. We explored a book called, ‘The Five Peppers’ which was written over 100 years ago about a family with 5 children called ‘The Peppers’. We are looking forward to reading the book in school. We also got to design our own front covers and choose some books for our class libraries. 

Year 3 Science

We have been learning about forces in Year 3 and completed an experiment looking at different surfaces today.

Dictionaries for every pupil!

Today EVERY child in Year 3 went home with an illustrated dictionary, kindly donated by the Rotary Club. As you can see from their faces the children were very happy and can’t wait to use them at home. A big thank you to the Rotary Club for organising this!

Year 1 Christopher Columbus

We have found out more about Christopher Columbus this week. He was a brave explorer who sailed ships across the sea. He had to use special equipment to do this such as a compass and maps. He didn’t have google maps! He learnt to sail when he was very young. We wrote a certificate for him to celebrate some of these things.

Year 6 Romeo and Juliet drama workshop!

Year 6 were fully immersed in the world of Shakespeare during their drama workshop with our expert visitor!

Children took part in a series of warm-up activities – including becoming Madame Tussauds waxwork models and terrifying monsters! They then developed Romeo and Juliet freeze frames in groups and asked each other insightful questions surrounding these still images.

Next, they used these skills as a way into both exploring the text and language whilst also considering how the Prologue and Act 1 Scene 1 are ‘delivered’.

Everyone was so enthusiastic and engaged – it was wonderful to see. We are very much looking forward to seeing how children get on with their newspaper reports this week. They will be reporting on the civil disturbance caused by the two warring households – the Montagues and the Capulets – causing bloodshed and pandemonium amongst fair Verona’s streets!