Year 2 Geography – Weather Reports

In Year Two this half term we have been learning about China in geography. The children compared the weather in Beijing to the weather in Norwich and worked together in groups to create weather reports. They made sure their weather reports included information about temperature and items of clothing that people might need.

Volcanic Eruption in Year 4

In year 4, we are going to be writing a recount about the events that took place when Mount Vesuvius erupted in 79 AD. To kick start our writing, we reenacted a volcanic eruption and watched a reconstructed animation of Mount Vesuvius erupting over Pompeii. The children were really engaged and took notes about what happened at each stage of the eruption to inform their writing.

You can watch the video here.

Avid Year 6 Readers!

Year 6 have been reading enthusiastically using our new digital library ‘myON’. It has been fantastic to see the children engaging with the platform so brilliantly. The children have been reading a wide range of texts including some informative digital books about World War Two. There really is something for everyone to enjoy, keep it up, Year 6!

Harvest Assembly

We had an amazing harvest assembly this morning, where the children shared harvest-inspired songs, poems and artworks with the rest of the school. A big thank you to Miss Peek & Mr James for their music skills!

Y3 Painting

Year 3 looked at mixing primary colours to make secondary colours. We then added white to find different shades. We had lots of fun and made lots of mess!


Across our afternoons in Year 6 we have been learning about a plethora of things! In RE, we have been learning about ‘non violence’ and what this means in Hinduism; non violence is known as ‘ahimsa’ and refers to the idea that all violence against any living creature is prohibited because all living creatures have souls. Within Hinduism, there is the belief that if one causes suffering, that person will then have suffering in their own life later on.

“True ahimsa should mean a complete freedom from ill will and anger and hate and an overflowing love for all!” Ghandi.

Maybe this week you can spend some time thinking about the compassion that you cultivate in your own lives – how do you help those around you feel loved? How do you like to feel loved and appreciated? What can you do as an act of kindness this week for family, friends, a stranger?


This half term Y5 have been learning about humanists and what they believe. We were able to explore humanist beliefs in the classroom and had open discussion on how these beliefs may differ from our own. We were also lucky to welcome a visitor into school from the ‘Understanding Humanism Society’. Children were able to ask questions of our visitor in order to deepen their understanding of what it means to be a humanist. They were set the task afterwards to design what they believe a Humanist building might look like. Their imaginations went wild and they created some amazing looking buildings that incorporated humanist values.

Year 3 Music

We had fun in music today recapping different musical notes and rhythms. We had time to improvise with instruments from the music trolley and got to perform in front of the class!