Imagine A Story Writing Project!

Congratulations to the Year 5 and 6 writers who are now officially published authors! A group of our UKS2 children participated in a project in collaboration with The Southbank Centre, in London, to write a chapter of a novel called ‘Mayhem At The Museum!’ alongside author Alexandra Sheppard, illustrator Allen Fatimaharan and children from other schools in the county. The story included interesting characters including those from Greek Mythology! Today their achievements were celebrated at the Norwich regional performance at St Andrews Hall. Children all received a copy of the finished book and quickly found their names in the list of contributors! As well as this, they were able to ask both Alex and Allen questions and had an illustrating masterclass! We even have a school signed copy which will take pride of place in our main entrance area. A huge well done to all for your efforts – lots of grit and determination was shown throughout the writing process!

Year 6 Police Talk

Year 6 had a very informative talk from two local police officers. The officers talked about their role in the community, how they can be contacted in both emergency and non-emergency circumstances and different legal consequences for certain actions. The children listened wonderfully and demonstrated our school rules throughout the session.

Anglo-Saxons in Year 4

In Year 4, we kicked off the new half term with a trip! We went to West Stow, a reconstruction of an Anglo-Saxon village. We thoroughly enjoyed the day and learnt lots from experts in the field. When we returned to school, we used our experience to write a recount of the day.


The Rotakids have been out in the local community completing a litter pick. The children were shocked with how much rubbish they found but are happy knowing that they have made a positive impact on their local community.

Y5 Panathlon

Y5 were lucky to attend an event at Taverham high School in association with Panathlon UK. It was a multi-sport event where children took part in 8 different activities scoring points for Queen’s Hill as they did so. Luckily we had glorious weather and the children thoroughly enjoyed taking part.

Y5 Eaton Vale

Y5 had an amazing time on their 2022 residential at Eaton Vale. They took part in lots of sport and adventurous activities and were able to enjoy being outside and running around. The children faced their fears head on with the heights of the trapeze and the confined space of the cave bus. Luckily the sun shone on the last two days so when it came time to jump into the river we were able to dry off in the sun. The food prepared was delicious and we even got to celebrate with a bbq on the last night.

Year 4 Art Day Week Beginning 02/05/22

In Year 4 this week, we have had an Art day. We have been making printing blocks from cardboard and Styrofoam. We experimented with shapes and patterns, as well as different surfaces such as paper and fabric. We finished the day by creating collographs, which we are excited to use when they’re dry. Here is some of our work.

Year 1 Writing

Year 1 has got off to a great start for Summer term with their writing. We have been looking at attractions in Norfolk and the features of posters. Children then created their own posters based on some of Norfolk’s attractions.

First Aid in Year 4

This week, to link in with our English work on Shackleton’s adventure to Antarctica, we have spent some time in the outdoor classroom learning about basic first aid. We have role played various situations, including asthma attacks, bleeding and calling for an ambulance!

The key points we learnt were:

  • To keep calm 
  • Check it’s safe to help
  • Ask what happened and what hurts
  • Say kind, comforting things
  • Take action if you can
  • Get help (an adult or call 999)