Y5 Math Competition

Boys from Year 5 bravely represented Queen’s Hill Primary School at a recent mathematics competition. They worked in pairs, completing 6 different activities in 8 minute blocks. They didn’t crumble under the pressure, they stood tall and managed to get a top ten place, which out of 34 was a significant achievement.

We were so proud of the boys we stopped off for ice cream to celebrate.

RE in Year 3

Yesterday in RE, Year 3 were thinking about the question ‘What is morality?’.

They discussed moral dilemmas, where it difficult to decide what is the right or wrong choice, and wrote down the possible solutions to the scenarios.

Camouflage Art

In Year 1 we have been learning about Kalahari Desert and the animals which live there. We know it is hard for animals to survive here and we learnt that some animals have camouflaged fur/skin to keep them safe from predators. We created our own pieces of animal camouflage art using oil pastels.

Electricity in Year 4

This week in Year 4, we have been learning about Electricity in Science. Today, we tested objects in the classroom to discover whether they were conductors or insulators.

Y5 Author Visit

This half term Y5 worked on completing a narrative piece of writing. They wrote an extra chapter to the book ‘Viking Boy’. The writing produced was of such a high caliber we decided to share it with the author of the book, Tony Bradman. Tony spoke to the children and answered lots of their questions, inspiring our budding writers of the future. 

Computing – Making Music

Today, the children learnt how to make music digitally using the Purple Mash program ‘2Sequence’. During the lesson children worked in pairs on ipads whilst exploring, editing and combining sounds using 2Sequence. It was great to listen to what music each pair composed!